She and Dana chuckle softly as I give them both the evil eye. Archer’s way more than eye candy, and what’s even worse is he’s off-limits. He’s basically a carrot being dangled right in front of me—close enough to want him but just out of reach. He’s been here less than two weeks, and we only see each other between our work schedules, but it’s a fun time when we're together. There’s way more to him than what meets the eye. I hope to dig deeper and uncover who he truly is.

The day passes quickly, and by five, I’m saying goodbye to the girls. I’m ready to take a bath, drink some wine, and lay low for the night. Hopefully with Archer.

As soon as I walk into my house, delicious aromas hit my senses. Sassy greets me, wagging her tail and licking my hand.

“Hey, sweet girl.”

“You’re home,” Archer says from the kitchen.

“Yeah. Smells great in here,” I tell him, then notice the table is set for two with wine glasses and a small vase of flowers.

Oh my God.Is he bringing a woman over?

I mean, of course he’s allowed to. This is his home now too, but I’m going to awkwardly feel like a third wheel if I don’t get out of here soon.

“I’ll be out of your hair in less than ten minutes.” I rush toward my room, but Archer comes out from behind the breakfast bar and stops me.

“Oh, you’re leaving?” His brows pinch together, and when I lower my gaze, I notice his relaxed attire—a black pair of Nike shorts and a sleeveless tee. Looks like he just got home from the gym.

“Yeah, I don’t want to interrupt your date night. I’ll just change and come back later. Midnight okay? Otherwise, I can—”

“Wait.” Archer grabs my elbow before I can walk away and hide the redness on my cheeks. “I made dinner for you,” he states, then adds, “forus.”

I meet his brown eyes and feel stupid for assuming.

“I wanted to make you dinner as a thank you since I haven’t been able to yet. I got paid and went grocery shopping.”

This six-foot-something man is looking at me with so much pride for being able to buy and cook food. Years have passed since he’s been able to do this. And he did it forme.

“Oh.” I blow out a breath. “Well, that was so sweet, but you didn’t have to spend your money on me.”

“Don’t worry, I had a few coupons.” He smirks, and I snort. “Dinner will be ready in just a few.”

“I’ll be right back.” I flash him a smile and head to my room.

After I get into some comfy clothes, I meet Archer at the table.

“Don’t laugh, but I made something my gram used to make us. Then after she passed, I’d make it for Annie at least once a week. It became our comfort food.”

I inhale and look at the cheese-covered dish in the pan he’s holding. “What is it?”

With a smirk, he pulls out my chair, and I sit. He scoops a spoonful onto my plate.

“Tater tots?”

“Taco Tater Tot Casserole with extra black beans and cheese,” he confirms, then puts some on his own.

“Oh my God.” I take my first bite and moan. “This is speaking to my soul. So good.” I shove another forkful into my mouth, not even caring that it’s piping hot. I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and I’m starving.

“I’m glad you like it. I haven’t made it in a while, so I wasn’t sure if I’d remember how to,” Archer says, watching me.

“I think it’s perfect, honestly. This is something I didn’t realize I was missing out on. You’re gonna be makin’ me this once a week.”

He releases a hearty laugh and nods. “Deal.”

After I inhale two servings, I pat my stomach and groan at how much I ate. “This might be a bad idea.”

“Why?” He furrows his brows as he carries our empty plates to the kitchen.