Everleigh: I’m at home, getting some things boxed up to be moved in the shop.

Archer: I’m coming there now.

Everleigh: Okay, see ya in a few.

It’s not out of the ordinary for me to run home and grab lunch or check on her since she’s by herself all day. I try to get my mind right before I get there and redial Annie’s number. Thankfully, she picks up this time.

“Where are you?” I’m relieved, but even I hear the worry in my tone.

“I’m on my lunch break at work. Why?”

“Thank God,” I whisper, letting out a breath as I look around, making sure I’m not being followed.

“What’s going on?”

“Did anything weird happen today? Or anything lately?”

There’s a long pause, and I wait a moment before I lose my patience.

“Annie?” I snap.

“Nothing really, just been having a lot of car trouble. My brakes went out because my car is an old piece of shit, and it made for an almost dangerous situation. Thankfully Patricia, the nurse practitioner, is letting me borrow her van because she doesn’t need it right now.”

“What? Why didn’t you mention this sooner?” I grow more frustrated with her.

“Because I can’t afford to get it fixed and—”

“I would’ve sent you the money, Annie. You need to tell me this stuff.”

She huffs. “I didn’t want you to have to do that, Archer. I know you’re trying to get back on your feet. I want to take care of things on my own. I appreciate you wanting to help, but I don’t need you saving me when I’m in a bind. You’ve already done that enough for me.”

I pick up my pace and round the corner that leads to my street. I suck in a deep breath, trying to calm down because just learning about her brakes going out pisses me off more than she knows. It also worries the shit outta me.

“I want you to move out of Wyoming,” I firmly say. “Somewhere new.”

“What? Why?” Her questions are clipped, and I know she’s not happy with my tone.

“I don’t know where to start.” I linger for a few seconds. “I keep getting threatening texts. Blocking them doesn’t do any good because as soon as I do it, another unknown number messages me.”


“The threats are getting worse, and I’m getting photos of Everleigh and—”

“No,” she whispers.

“And of you and Sadie,” I continue. “Krystal knows where you live, Annie. It’s no longer safe for you to be there.”

The silence draws on, and it’s almost piercing. In the background, codes are being announced over the loudspeaker.

“Archer.” Her voice lowers. “I can’t afford to just pack up my life and leave. I’m a mom now and have to think about what leaving our home will do to Sadie. She loves her school and friends. We’re settled here.”

“You won’t be settled if Krystal harms you or Sadie because that’s where we are right now, Annie. This is fucking serious. Sadie is five. She can make new friends. You can find another job.”

“I’m not going to live in fear, Archer, and you are not helping. Neither is this conversation.”

I blow out a disgruntled breath. “I’m not there to protect you, and I can’t be in two places at once. Knowing that Krystal has photos of you guys scares the shit out of me. You’re the only family I have.”

“You don’t know if it’s actually her or someone she hired. You can’t be in two places at once, well neither can she,” Annie says.