Archer throws our plates in the trash, then lies down. I lay my head on his stomach and chat with Katie and Gemma.

“How are things moving along with the rebuild?” Gemma asks.

“Well, thanks to Noah, I think it’ll be finished even quicker than I anticipated.”

Katie beams. “That’s my man.”

Noah grins sheepishly. “I’m just happy you trusted me enough to do the job.”

“Of course! You’re the only person who I knew would do it right,” I tell him.

“Yeah, it’s been an experience.”

Archer chuckles.

I tilt my chin up to meet his eyes, then poke his side. Archer squirms, and everyone laughs at him.

“No, no, no,” he pleads, trying to escape.

“Take it back,” I offer with a wink.

He grins. “Okay, fine. Erase what I said from your memory.”

“I mean, he’s not lying.” Tyler shrugs.

I scowl at him. “Excuse me, but I’m a ten out of ten. I’m highly recommended and giveamazingexperiences.”

“I can agree with that. Would return for the exceptional service alone.” Archer mocks, settling back onto the blanket, so I can lean into him.

“So, are you two…boyfriend and girlfriend?” Owen blurts out, and I nearly forgot he was within hearing range. Oops.

I meet Archer’s eyes and smile. “Yep. We are.”

Owen beams as I take a sip of the beer Noah brought. “Are you gonna get married?”

“Maybe one day,” Archer answers truthfully. “Just depends.”

“On what?” Owen asks.

“You’re treatin’ them like they're on trial, son,” Katie interrupts with a laugh, and I can tell Owen still had more questions.

He shrugs. “Dad, can I go play with my friends?”

“Sure, but stay where your mom and I can see you,” Noah reminds him.

Seconds later, Owen runs off and meets a group of kids his age.

“Is that his girlfriend?” Gemma asks, squinting her eyes, and I laugh when I see Owen hugging a girl.

“Yeah, that’s Amelia.” Katie sighs.

“He’s going to be driving soon, ya know,” I remind them both.

She groans. “I know. Lord help us all.”

After the first band finishes their set, another one comes on stage and plays more modern songs.

“Do any of you want an ice cream cone?” I ask when Archer and I decide to get some, but they all shake their heads.