“Just wanted to let you know the motion and smoke alarms have been tripped at your shop.”

“Oh my gosh.” My eyes go wide, and Archer’s smile fades when he notices my mood shift. Every horrible scenario plays out in my mind.

“Are you able to go there now?” the woman asks, interrupting my thoughts.

“Yes, but I’m an hour away,” I explain. My heart thuds hard in my chest.

“Alright, I’ll inform the authorities you’ll be there soon.”

“Okay, thank you.” I end the call so we can leave right away.

“What’s going on?” Archer asks.

“My shop could be burning to the ground right now. We gotta leave.” The happiness I felt before the call is replaced with pure panic. Archer doesn’t ask questions. He just takes my hand, leading me toward the exit. We pass Tyler, and he immediately knows something’s not right.

“My shop’s on fire,” I call out, then turn my attention to Gemma. “Let Katie know. I’m so sorry. I have to go.”

“She’ll understand, Ev. Keep us updated!”

Archer opens the passenger door for me, then goes around to the driver’s side. He starts the engine and pulls out of the parking lot.

“How could something like this happen? Everything is up to code.” I try not to cry, but my shop is my livelihood and passion.

Archer grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles as he drives us to Lawton Ridge. “I know it’s really hard to think positive, but it might not be as bad as you think. It could be a false alarm.”

I shake my head, the tears beginning to stream. “After what I’ve been through this past year, I highly doubt it.”

His expression falls, but he tries to comfort me in any way he can.

On the way over, I text Lexie to let her know what’s going on and ask if she knows anything.

After fifteen minutes, she still hasn’t texted back, and I’m convinced more than before that something bad has happened.



I’m tryingmy best to keep Everleigh calm, but it’s nearly impossible when her shop could be in ashes. I hope that’s not the case and am grateful the fire department is there. When she answered the phone, I knew something wasn’t right. I’ve seen that expression on her face a few times and hope I never have to again.

While I drive, she logs into her security app and rewatches the last clips of video footage. I can see her growing more frustrated than she already is each time she starts them from the beginning.

“Baby, it’s going to be okay,” I tell her, though I have a nagging feeling that this could be linked to Krystal... “I’m here for whatever you need, okay?”

She sucks in a deep breath and finally looks at me. “I can’t imagine dealing with all of this alone. I have thousands of dollars invested in my shop, and it might all be gone. And now I feel guilty as hell for not sending Katie off and rushing out without hugging her goodbye.”

“Katie loves you, and she’ll understand. Don’t worry, she won’t be upset that you left. If anything, she’s worried for you too. ”

“You’re right.” She blows out a breath.

When we finally make it to the outskirts of Lawton Ridge, the traffic grows thicker. The main intersection is shut down, and a cop is directing traffic around the area. I roll down the window, and the smell of burning wood wafts through the air. Everleigh’s tears fall more steady, but I also see the anger behind her gaze.

“Thank God,” she says when her phone buzzes. “It’s Lexie.” Everleigh picks up the call and explains everything she knows so far. After another minute, the call ends.

“Lexie said everything seemed normal when she locked up, and she went through the closing duties and double-checked all the doors were locked.”

When we’re closer to the shop, I see the parking lot is full of emergency personnel. They’ve roped off and blocked the entrance with barricades. Luckily, I find a place to park on the street, and as soon as the car stops moving, Everleigh bolts out toward the building.

I lock the car and chase behind her.