After Everleigh wasin the hospital, I’ve been more protective than ever before. Keeping her at a distance while she healed was a struggle, but after she insisted she was ready, I caved. And I can’t say I’m sorry about making love to her.

Everleigh lights something inside me that I can’t explain, and though we’re still trying to figure out who’s after us, I’ve never been happier. Holding her in my arms each night and hearing her scream my name as she comes all over me is fucking heaven. But now the time has come to let Tyler know. It’s been a couple of weeks since Everleigh and I discussed it, and the longer I wait, the more I feel like shit for betraying my best friend. Regardless of the consequences, I need to face them before he finds out from someone else.

I haven’t decidedhowto tell him yet, but hopefully, I can get some time with him after work today. I’m scheduled with back-to-back clients and barely get five minutes to use the bathroom or eat. But regardless, I’ve decided I’m doing it.

“Hey, man. Your two o’clock just canceled. Wasn’t feeling well,” Tyler tells me as he grabs a pair of gloves. “So, figured I could come box with you for a bit and catch up.”

I raise my brows as he enters the ring, stretching out his arms like he’s ready to kick my ass.

“That okay?”

I shrug, hoping he can’t see my fear. Tyler has years of experience on me and could easily hurt me if he wanted. “Sure. I’ll go easy on ya,” I taunt.

Tyler chuckles. “Well, how are things goin’? Everleigh says she’s feeling better, but is she really?” He circles me, taking a swing, but I dodge it.

I think back to the past two weeks. I’ve either bent her over and ate her pussy, fucked her against the wall, or had her squirting all over me as I pounded into her.

Great, now I’m getting hard imagining it.

Tyler gets a hit in as I replay all the dirty scenes.

I shake it off and try to focus. “Yeah, she’s been fine. Seems like she’s gotten her energy and spunk back.” Circling around him, I throw a right hook and connect with his jaw.

“Good. Sometimes, she’ll just tell me what I wanna hear so I’ll stop askin’,” he explains, and I smile because that’s just how she is.

Tyler goes in for an undercut and gets me right in the gut. Before I can recover, his fist jabs my face.

Stumbling to my feet, I return to my stance and keep my eyes on him. Tyler’s quick and calm, never giving away his next move.

“So how about you? How are you doin’ since all this shit started?” he asks when I swing and graze his cheek. He’s too quick on his feet.

“Alright, I guess. I’m finding my place here, so no complaints. Though there is something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”

It’s now or never. If Tyler wants to kick my ass, at least I’ll have gloves to block some of his hits. But I can’t keep lying to him, not when he’s the reason I’m even here.

“Okay, what’s up?”

We continue circling each other, and I eventually just spit it out.

“I’m in love with your sister.”

Without a second thought, Tyler throws a right hook into my nose. There’s a flash of anger in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, man. I tried to stay away,” I say, dodging another swing, but then he lurches his other arm right into my stomach. It’s so forceful, he nearly knocks the wind out of me.

“Does she feel the same?” he asks.

“Yes, it’s mutual,” I admit, hitting him just as hard.

Tyler throws punches until I land on the floor. I hold up my arms to block him until he tires out, but I underestimated his stamina. He’s on top of me, swinging with a vengeance, and though he has every right to be pissed, I won’t take this lying down.

I drive my knee up and curl my body to the side, taking him with me. As soon as he’s down, I jump to my feet. Tyler quickly stands, not giving me much time to catch my breath.

“If you hurt her…” he begins, his expression serious. “I won’t be using gloves next time.”

Before I can respond, he kicks out his leg, and I fall.