Opening the door, I poke my head out, then tiptoe to the living room. There I find the criminal.

“Oh shit, you’re in trouble now,” I say, trying to hold back my laughter. Sassy’s knocked over the birthday cake and is inhaling it by the mouthful.

“Well?” Everleigh whispers.

“It’s just Sassy,” I tell her.

Everleigh comes out and gasps. “No! Bad girl!” She tries to push Sassy away, but the hungry little shit is insistent.

Deciding to get involved, I grab Sassy’s collar and yank her away from the chocolate feast.

“You’re not supposed to have that!” Everleigh scolds. “Now I have to watch her and make sure she doesn’t get sick.”

Once I’ve taken Sassy out, I return to a pouting Everleigh staring at the messy floor. “That was supposed to beyourcake.”

I wrap my arms around her waist from behind, then kiss the nape of her neck. “You know what would be fun? Taking whatever she hasn’t slobbered on and eating it off your body. Then after, we can share a shower.”

“Archer Boone…” she sing-songs, spinning around and locking her fingers behind my head. “Have I awoken the beast?”

I release a deep growl, leaning in to capture her lips. “You most certainly have.”

After a never-ending perfect night of eating chocolate off Everleigh’s sexy curves and then washing off every inch of her in the bath, we collapse in her bed, sated and exhausted. I lost count of how many rounds we went last night, but it never felt like enough. I wanted more, she teased and seduced me, and I pleased her multiple times over.

Now that I’ve had her, I’m not letting her go. I only hope Tyler will understand.

“Morning,” I say softly when she rustles next to me.

“Good mornin’, handsome,” she coos, her hand sliding down to the erection waiting for her. “I’m addicted to this now.”

“I think it’s addicted toyou.” I groan when she wraps her hand around my shaft, sliding up and down, then focuses on the tip. Fuck, I’m so sensitive to her touch.

“Guess there’s no hope for us then. No amount of rehab can cure it,” she says.

I roll until I’m towering over her. “I’m good with that. How about you?”

“I sure am…as long as—”

The doorbell ringing along with Sassy barking interrupts us.

“Oh, that must be the breakfast I ordered. I scheduled it yesterday, pre-sexathon, but thank God I did. My body is way too sore to cook today.”

“Why’d you do that?” I ask as she quickly puts on her robe.

“Well, I figured we were gonna get super drunk last night and would need post-birthday activities food to soak up the booze.”

Chuckling, I stand and reach for my boxers. “Good call. I’m gonna use the bathroom, then I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” I press my lips to hers before I go.

Everleigh greets Sassy on the couch, then makes her way to the front door. Her voice goes up an octave, and it takes me a minute to realize she’s not talking to a delivery person.

“What do you have that I don’t have?” a woman’s voice asks.

“What areyoudoing here?” Everleigh asks.

Deciding to skip the bathroom, I walk toward her, wanting to find out what’s going on.

“What do you have that I don’t have!” the woman repeats, but now she’s screaming.

“Is there a prob—” I move behind Everleigh, widening the door, just as my eyes land on a woman who looks cracked the fuck out. She takes a step forward. Before I can comprehend what’s happening, Everleigh inhales a harsh breath, then slowly crumples to the floor.