Ten minutes later, Trevor arrives, and we get started. After our warm-up, we box a round.

“Throw all your weight into it,” I direct, showing Trevor exactly how to do a side hook. He bounces around, putting the training he’s done the past month to the test.

I quickly move from side to side, extending a punch and then another. Trevor ducks, and his gloved fist connects with my cheek. The bell rings, and we climb over the rope. He’s smiling wide and stands proudly.

“Good job, man.” We take off our gloves, and I give him a high five.

“You think so?”

“Yeah, keep at it, and you’ll be able to enter competitions by the summer if that’s still your goal.”

His expression is serious. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted, and I’m determined to make it happen. Especially with you as my coach.”

“Would love to see it.”

“Same time tomorrow?” Trevor asks, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Yeah.” I nod. “I got you down for the month.”

“Awesome, thanks!” He grabs his gear bag and leaves.

Tyler enters, smiling. “He’s doin’ great already. But how are you doin’?”

A big cheesy grin meets my lips. “This is the best job I’ve ever had.”

“Love to hear it. Just wanted to make sure. I mean, if you were having second thoughts, I’d respect that too.”

“Hell no. I genuinely like it here. The town, the gym, the people. It’s everything I never knew I needed in life but did. Funny because if you would’ve asked me to move somewhere like this years ago, I would’ve not only said no but fuck no. Weirdly enough, it already feels like home.”

“Good to hear, man. I know how important it is to have the proper time to focus on yourself without any outside distractions. For me, the gym opening was all I focused my energy on. Noah helped me remodel the place. But after a while, he realized that he enjoyed working with his hands and building things. I guess what I’m saying is if you find something else you want to do in life that you’re more passionate about, I support it.”

“Thanks, Tyler. That means a lot.”

He clears his throat. “So how’s living with Everleigh?”

I knew this conversation was coming.

“It’s fine,” I say.

“You two seemed close this morning.” His intense gaze pins me in place.

My heart races, but I try to keep my breathing steady. Any time I think about her, the thoughts consume me. My silence draws on, not sure what the correct answer is, and he eventually speaks up.

“While I don’t want to sound like a dick, I still have to protect my sister. No matter how old we get, I’ll never stop being her big brother. Rushing into any relationship, but especially with her, is a bad idea. She isn’t quite ready for the whole marriage and babies lifestyle, if ya know what I mean.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed.” It’s no wonder she’s the last of her friends to do either.

He continues, “I’d hate to see one of my close friends get hurt, and I don’t want to see my little sister heartbroken.”

“I know.” I meet his eyes.

Though he laughs, he adds, “And I don't want to have to punch your face in if you were the cause of it.”

I roll my eyes but agree with the sentiment.

“I wouldn’t do anything to make you that pissed,” I confirm with Everleigh front and center in my mind. We’ve grown close, and I can’t deny that. She makes me laugh and doesn’t let me stay inside my shell for too long without calling me out. I wish I could make her happy, but I’ve never had a serious relationship. And while she makes me want the idea ofmore, I’d probably mess it up.

Tyler interrupts my thoughts. “Anyway, I’m glad you’re happy here and liking it so far.”