She flips me the bird, and I blow her a kiss.

We’ve been at Jerry and Belinda’s house for a couple of hours, stuffing our faces with turkey, ham, and all the fixings. Then Belinda served three different pies. I almost asked Everleigh if she was making her Better than Sex cake, but with Annie and Sadie moving in this past week and her boutique’s end of year sale, there was no time.

Owen and Sadie sit next to each other on the couch, playing the Nintendo Switches that Jerry bought them. The twin boys just turned one, and Scarlett had her first birthday a couple of months ago. All three of them are walking and into everything.

During her party, Gemma and Tyler announced they were pregnant with baby number two. Of course, everyone was excited and happy for them. I think it’s great they’re growing their family, and I hope one day to have that with Everleigh. Right now, she’s focused on the boutique and even mentioned opening a second one in Mobile. I’ll support her decision because I love seeing her chase her dreams.

I’ve been saving money since I started working at the gym and hope to build my credit so we can buy a bigger house in the future. Though I love where we live now, it’s not big enough for what I have planned.

“So I have a little something I want to give to you,” I tell Everleigh as everyone listens. “I had help getting it and figured I’d bring it out since it’s here.”

“Oh my gosh. Show me already!” Everleigh shrieks.

“Okay, hold on. Gotta go to the cottage.”

Everleigh gives me a weird look, but I grin. I go to Gemma and Tyler’s house that’s behind Jerry’s. A few months ago, Tyler mentioned they were looking for a bigger house because more space is needed for the new baby. As soon as they find something, Annie and Sadie will move into the cottage. Everleigh loved the idea, and I’m ecstatic they’ll still be close to us.

Belinda’s even more excited because she adores Sadie. She’s already told Annie they’re invited to dinner every night. Since Annie got hired as the elementary and middle school nurse, she’ll work daytime hours and be home in the evenings. I’m so happy it worked out because she hated working those long swing shifts.

I return with a large box in my hands, and Everleigh’s eyes widen when she sees me. “Holy crap, what is that?”

Before I can say anything, a little bark howl gives me away. Everleigh stands with her jaw on the floor. “No way. Is that a puppy?”

Kneeling in front of her, I set it down, then open it. She immediately bursts into tears as she stares at the puppy who’s looking at her.

“You actually got me a husky puppy?” She picks him up, then holds him to her chest.

“I did, for this exact reaction, sweetheart. Merry Christmas.”

She nuzzles her face against his nose. “He’s so sweet. Thank you, babe.”

Owen and Sadie come over and ooh and aah over him.

“What’s his name?” Sadie asks.

“We still have to pick one out,” I say, wrapping an arm around Everleigh and kissing her forehead.

“I’m seriously so shocked right now.” Everleigh beams.

“Tyler and Gemma helped and kept him for five days.”

“Scarlett’s obsessed with him,” Gemma says. “You better give us visitation rights.”

Everleigh laughs, then sets the puppy down so the other kids can meet him.

“You should name him Chase,” Tyler says. “Considering that’s all you’re gonna be doing.”

Gemma snorts and agrees. “He has a lot of energy, that’s for sure.”

“I love it actually,” Everleigh says, playing with him on the floor. “I can’t believe you all hid this from me.”

“We knew you’d lose your mind,” Gemma says.

“I can’t believe he’s all mine. This is the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for.” Everleigh’s eyes soften when she meets mine.

I lean in and press my lips to hers. “I love hearing that. I hope Sassy adapts to not being the only child anymore.”

She snickers. “God. Yeah right. She’s a spoiled princess.”