My spine arches. I close my eyes and hold the position.

Mm. This actually feels really good.

“Inhale, look up.”

He smiles. My hand nearly slips out from under me.

“Shit.” I wipe my hand on my pants leg, removing the sweat that’s built up on my palm.

“Stop distracting him. I’m really into this.”

I narrow my eyes at Joey.

“Last time. Exhale, press away.”

I drop my head and slowly breathe out.

The next series of poses doesn’t allow for eye contact, so I’m able to get through those without any difficulty. Sweat beads up on the base on my neck and down my spine. My muscles are loose and warm.

I feel amazing. I’m actually really enjoying this.

Several women have to step outside to get some air while others gulp water from the cooler in the corner. I don’t need a break. I don’t want one either.

Mason instructs everyone to lie on their backs. He moves between the mats, his voice growing closer.

“From here, bend the knees, place the feet on the floor. I want you to lift your hips off the mat. Try and reach for your heels with your fingers.”

He looks down at me as I struggle to grab my heels. With a huff, my back hits the mat.

“Little help?” I smile up at him.

He drops down to his knees beside me. “You’re doing great. Have you done this before?” he asks, grabbing my hips, his fingers pressing into my back.

“Nope. First time. I’m very motivated to please my instructor.”

His mouth twitches in the corner.


“Oh, hold on. Not yet.” I grab the hem of my shirt and strip it over my head, leaving me in only my hot pink sports bra.

His lips part with a rushed exhale. He looks beautiful, eyes wide and wild.

“There. That’s better. I was burning up in that.”

I watch his neck roll with a swallow, the heavy bob of his Adam’s apple I want to run my tongue over and taste. His hands shake as they move over my skin to resume their grip.

“Devil,” he whispers, leaning down and lifting my hips. “Stay after class.”


His hands leave me. I hold the pose as he moves around the room, meeting my gaze every few steps.

Twenty minutes later, I’m practically bouncing on my feet as the class dismisses. I wave to Joey as he slips out the door, then take a moment to fix my disheveled pony.

I shouldn’t bother. It’s about to get a whole lot messier.

Holding my discarded tank, I wait for Mason on my mat as he walks a few stragglers to the door. He closes it and turns the top lock. Taking his shirt, he wipes it across his face, removing the sweat.

“Great class,” I tell him as he walks toward me.

An honest observation. I never thought I’d actually enjoy working out, let alone yoga.

His mouth stretches into a proud smile. “Yeah? I thought it was all right. I was a bit nervous.”

“Why? You made it easy. Nobody seemed to have trouble keeping up.”

“Except you.” He stops in front of me, looking between the shirt in my hand and my face. “Or, was that just a ploy to get me to touch you?”

I shrug. “I don’t think I need a ploy. I think you want to touch me.”

“I do.”

“And here I am. Touch away.”

His eyes, the color of autumn, do this shift from playful to something else, something darker.

Make me come.

My fist tightens on my tank.

All too soon his smoldering gaze is gone, swiftly darting across the room.

“I need to shower. Will you wait? My room is just upstairs. I’ll be quick.”

I stare at his profile, a bit confused.


Once again, the ‘why bother’ question fills my head. We’re about to mount each other. I, for one, plan on utilizing every hard surface in this studio. It’s 90 degrees in here, and my entire body is coated in a light sheen of sweat.

Everybody has their routines during sex. Maybe Mason likes to start off freshly washed?

“Yeah, okay. Hurry though.”

He gives me a curt nod and takes to the stairs.

Mm. He lives here. Strangely, that thought hadn’t crossed my mind. Even though Dylan lives above her business, I hadn’t considered Mason having the same situation.

I pad about the studio for two, three minutes, maybe.

Curiosity gets the best of me. Or maybe I’m too horny to wait any longer.

I quietly slip upstairs.

I’ve always loved shower sex.


Warm water hits the back of my neck as I drop my head between my shoulders.

With a soapy hand, I stroke my dick. My free hand braces my weight on the wet tile.

Brooke. Brooke. Brooke.

What the fuck am I doing?

I could be feeling her tighten around me right now. Roaming my hands over her soft curves. Licking the sweat off her tits while I palm her arse and lower her onto my cock.

Instead, I’m jerking off to thoughts of her like a desperate juvenile.

Fuck, but if I don’t . . .

I’ve been fighting off an erection since I saw her on the footpath. That struggle intensified when I got a view of the back of her¸ and then she had to go and strip in the middle of my fucking class.

She has me and she knows it.

I pinch my eyes shut.

She is so incredibly beautiful.

Barely any makeup. The glow of her skin from exertion. Her hair, tousled and slick with sweat.

My hand works faster. I rock my hips.