I glare up at him. “Why are you here again?”

He smiles.

Excited chatter fills the air around us as we step up onto the sidewalk. The line forms just outside the door and continues in front of the large studio window, completely obstructing my view of the inside.

“Excuse me?” A woman at the front of the line points behind her. “The line begins back there, around the corner.”

“That’s nice,” I reply, pairing my sarcasm with my fakest smile. I look up at Joey. “I’m good right here. You?”

He stretches his arms above his head. “Fantastic.”

The woman scowls, then turns to her friend. Behind her, the door opens and Mason steps outside.

Hushed “oh, my God’s” and “that’s him” are spoken. People further down the line step out to get a better view of the man captivating everyone’s attention.

God, he’s practically edible.

Dressed in loose shorts that hang low on his hips and a sleeveless tee, Mason surveys the crowd with wide, stunned eyes.

Did he really not think he’d have much of a turn-out? Does the man not own a mirror?

He steps further out onto the sidewalk. A hand flies through his blonde hair. “Evening, ladies. This is quite a shock.”

Joey obnoxiously clears his throat.

Mason acknowledges him with a quick, apologetic nod, then our eyes meet. The air leaves my lungs. He looks like he wants to say something, possibly walk over to me, please, God, walk over to me, but he shows restrain and instead, levels me a stare that has me contemplating public sex.

I gather a shaky breath. Joey chuckles next to me.

“Shut up,” I whisper.

Mason turns back to the crowd. “Right. Unfortunately, due to building capacity, I won’t be able to squeeze all of you in tonight. But, I’m a man of my word. You will all get your free lesson. Check out the class times on the door, yeah? First twenty-five in line get to attend tonight. I hope to see the rest of you at another class.” He motions for me and Joey to come forward.

“Hey, they aren’t even in line,” someone calls out from the crowd.

“They signed up yesterday,” Mason explains, keeping his eyes on me as I move closer. He holds his hand out to Joey. “Sorry, mate. Didn’t see ya standing over there. Good on you for coming.”

Joey shakes his hand. “I usually don’t go unnoticed. You’re clearly straight.”

Mason smiles, shifting his eyes to mine as he drops his hand. “Hello, gorgeous. How are you?”

“Ready to collect.” I grab Joey’s arm and lead him inside, looking back at Mason over my shoulder.

He pulls his gaze off my ass when two women walk over to him.

I claim a mat in the center of the room and toe off my shoes and socks.

Joey does the same next to me. “Christ, it’s hot in here. I’m about to take off my shirt.”

Mason steps into the room, closing the door behind him.

“Me too,” I murmur.

That should help get things moving in the right direction.

After adjusting the thermostat on the wall, Mason moves to the front of the class. The room goes silent.

“Right. Everyone ready to get started?” he pauses, smiling at everyone’s enthusiasm. “The most important thing to remember in my class is I want you to take your time. Understand that you have the rest of your life to make this perfect, yeah? Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility and strength, but also, it benefits the mind and the spirit. I want you to concentrate on your breathing. Breathe through every pose. You might not get everything today, and that’s all right. I’m here to help you. If you need to step away and get a quick drink, or if you’re feeling like you need a break, take it. It’s going to get very warm in here . . .”

“It already is,” Joey announces, fanning his face. “Any objections if I start stripping?”

A few women giggle. Others make similar comments about the temperature in the room.

“By all means.” Mason reaches behind him, grabs his shirt, and pulls it off with one hand. He tosses it aside. “I hope nobody minds. I normally don’t wear a lot of clothes when I do this.”

“Oh, dear God,” someone behind me murmurs.

I stare at the hard lines of Mason’s body. The thick cuts of muscle in his arms. His broad, lightly-tanned chest.

He wants me to concentrate on breathing while he looks like this? What is he fucking crazy?

The man has an eight pack. Eight. Pack.

He looks directly at me. “Ready?” he asks, tilting his head with a coy grin.

I nod, a lot. Joey elbows me and I finally get myself under control.

Mason leads the class through a few basic breathing exercises. Thank God. I can’t seem to remember how to properly work my lungs anymore. With the slowly rising temperature in the room, Mason’s glorious body, and the knowledge of my impending orgasm minutes away, it’s a wonder I’m not getting rushed to the hospital by ambulance for lack of oxygen to the brain.

“Now, release the hands and come out onto all fours,” Mason instructs.

“Hello,” Joey whispers. “All fours, yes please. I should’ve dragged Billy to this.”

I lift my head and watch Mason.

“Hands underneath the shoulders. Knees underneath the hips. Inhale, drop the belly, and look upwards.”

Our eyes lock.

“Exhale, push the floor away, and look down at your navel.”