Page 47 of Hot Set

Jack needs to grasp the fact we’ve officially stepped onto a knife’s edge. One of us has to be in charge of not screwing up at work, and I have the feeling it’s going to be me.

Bobby pats my arm. “I’m sorry I abandoned you this weekend. The fires of editing hell held me prisoner. I hope you found something to entertain yourself in good ol’ Waterville.”

I nod. “Curled up with a book and wrapped my head around the time shift.”

“Spent the weekend in bed, then?”

I nearly do a cliché choke-take but manage to swallow it down. “Something like that.”

“As soon as my schedule eases, we’re hitting the golf course again. It’ll give us a nice slice of alone time for me to catch you up on my vision for the transition from season one into two.”

The opening is so wide I could drive a Guinness delivery truck through it. “I know there’s a lot of action on horseback in the last quarter of the book. When do I get that hands-on horsey research you threatened?”

He glances over at the rehearsal. “We’re good here, head on over now. Track down Moose. He’s the horse wrangler. His rules.”

I bite my tongue to keep from telling Bobby I’ve already had the pleasure of Moose’s company in the shadows of the stable.

“I’d like to finish my crash course on production here first. Feel the vibe of the actual filming.”

Bobby runs a hand down my arm and takes my hand. “Of course.” He’s awfully touchy today.God.I hope that’s his personality, and the dinner and golf invites are only trivial. I make a mental note to observe how much he touches other people on staff.

I pull my hand away a bit too quickly. Bobby gives me a strange look. “Sorry, I had an awkward workplace situation back at Lawson Graham. Excuse the knee-jerk reaction.”

His eyes widen. “You’ve got me curious.”

“Maybe I’ll regale you with the tale over a pint after our round of golf.”

He tilts his head, studying me. “Woman with a past?”

One I don’t intend to share with Bobby since he’s haggling with Treat over the fashion shoot. Too few degrees of separation there. “Not that interesting. I’m trying to sound intriguing and mysterious.”

“Speaking of Lawson Graham, I signed on the dotted line for Treat Graham to useTheChieftain’s Sonproperty for his shoot.”

Oh, shit.Zero degrees of separation.

“Niks is in as the spokesmodel for his clothing line. Great publicity for the show. I’m angling for Jack to replace the bugger they hired for Irish County Lad. Cross promotion at its finest.”

So Lanie Blesch’s sexual bartering fell flat. My satisfaction is short lived when the shock wave hits. Treat will be coming to Ireland. Not just Ireland—he’ll be here. I’ve got to keep him away from Jack and lock up the swords.

How many goddamn angles do they need of a kiss? I die a little bit more every time Jack’s mouth slides over Niks’s.

“Hungrier,” Alan calls from behind the camera.

This is a thousand times harder than I thought it would be. I have to sit here with either an analytic or passive look on my face while my lover drips passion all over someone else. If I avert my eyes, someone will notice. I’ve got to play it cool since I’m the idiot who told Bobby I wanted to taste production.

It doesn’t matter that I know Jack’s intention is make-believe. Those kisses are real.

When Alan calls, “Cut,” Jack’s hand taps his swollen lips. We make eye contact for the first time since filming began. Without warning, my eyes fill with tears. My attempt at a no-big-deal smile falls apart when I catch sight of Niks.Oh, holy hell.From the look on her face, there’s no doubt she’s seen this entire exchange between Jack and me.

Should I leave? That would probably make things worse. I opt for grabbing a tissue and doing my own role-playing with a fake sneeze and nose blowing. Fanning the air in front of me, I sidle up to Jack’s makeup woman, Lou. “Something is really bugging my nose.”

“It’s the dust. I told Bobby we need better HVAC in here. We’re in the middle of a sheep pasture for Christ’s sake.”

I do my best impression of casual and hang out with the crew. On the next take, I can clearly see Niks’s tongue lead the way into the kiss. What is she thinking? It’s totally out of character for Nieve to stick her tongue down Donal Cam’s throat on their first kiss. Is this her way of pissing on territory she feels should be hers?Oh, crap.She did see the silence exchange between Jack and me. Was her real-as-it-gets kiss for my benefit? Acid reflux indicates she hit her mark.

While Lou freshens Jack’s makeup, Alan Rafier and Niks have their heads together.Please don’t let him demand another ramp-up of lust.I bury my head in the script and write nonsense in the margins, attempting to get ahold of myself. My hands shake, and I drop the pen. Flashes of Lanie Blesch shoved up against a tree while Treat works her over wipe away any chance I have at composure. Not even an ocean between us and Jack have healed that bloody gash of rejection. My rational mind knows this situation with Niks is one thousand percent not the same, but witnessing kiss after kiss rips me open all over again. I press thumbs into the corners of my eyes to dam up tears before I lose it completely and make an ass of myself. Is it my fucking role in life to be mired in shadow while I watch men I care about slop affection over other women?

The next take is the last.Thank God.Equipment and people disappear as fast as stars at dawn.