“You have to, because that was ten, and now we own this.”
“Mo grá.My silly girl, darling beauty.” He dips his head to kiss my breasts. I reach down to find him well on the way to an encore when a phone alarm starts chiming on a table next to the bed.
His head collapses on my shoulder. “Shit.”
I raise his chin with my thumb. “Am I keeping you from something?”
He grabs my ass with both hands. “Oh, you’ll be keeping me.” After lingering for a moment, he lets go. “We’ve got thirty minutes before night security makes their rounds.”
I admire the contours of his ass as he slides out of bed and taps his phone. I marvel at his ability to move swiftly around the room given his state of arousal.
He throws my clothes to me. I shake them at him. “You’re kidding, right?”
Reaching under the bed, he pulls out his street clothes and carefully returns his costume to a rolling rack next to the set. “We’re just moving off from here, that’s all.”
I yank on my jeans and sweater, not bothering with bra or panties. I have no intention of depriving myself of more Jack as soon as possible. I don’t care if it’s in the back seat of his Renault.
“Help me with the candles,Mo grá.” He flips over each candle to switch them off. There’s got to be at least a hundred of these LED suckers in the room.
“Mo grá? What happened toMo chroí?”
Jack pinches the waistband of my jeans to pull me in, kissing me quickly but thoroughly. “You’re both to me, my heart and my love.” He gives me a gentle shove. “Candles.”
As I set a candle down, a terrible thought hits me. “Crap, this is a hot set. Are we putting them back right?”
His laugh starts as a low rumble that makes me tremble somewhere lower down. “We’re not shooting in here tomorrow. Best advice I ever got was to make friends with the prop master and the head of accounting.”
“The head of accounting scored you these candles?”
He snorts and then nods to the hot setsigns. “Niks put these up to keep any strays out.”
I whip around to him, my face as red as the sunsets from his wooing. “Niks knows what we’re doing here?”
“Niks found me blubbering like a fool over you. She slapped me out of my misery and told me to get on with loving you.”
“She helped you do this?” I wave a hand at the room.
“This was all my idea, but she did say I had to do something grand if I wanted to win you back.”
I melt into his arms. “This is pretty damn grand.”
We kiss until his phone alarm goes off again. I slap him lightly on the chest. “You set a backup alarm?”
He looks a little shy. “I didn’t know where we’d be in the mix when the first went off. This one means we’ve got to get serious about leaving.”
After the last candle is switched off, we scoop up the rest of our things. Jack motions toward the stables. “My car’s round back.” He slides his hand up under my shirt to give my breast a playful squeeze before dipping eager fingers down the front of my slacks. “Seems you may be up for another go.”
I trace the fly of his jeans. “Seems I’m not the only one.”
He groans and removes my hand before we lose control in the middle of the sound stage. “Game for a romp under the stars with me?”
“I’m game for anything with you from now on, Jack O’Leary.”
Despite the layers of sub-zero rated sleeping bags under us and wool blankets piled on top, the dawn chill drives me closer to Jack. The first rays of sunlight bronze his ever-present beard stubble. A thin line of new red hair begins to peek up from the roots along his forehead. Someone is going to have to endure another dye job before long.
I can’t keep my hands off him. I want him inside me before the sun clears the tree line across the rolling fields. I gently rake three fingers along the muscles on his chest while I tilt my head up to kiss and taste the Orion’s belt of tiny moles on his jaw. “Hi,” I purr as I detour from his chin up to his lips and feel him stir.