Page 42 of Hot Set

In one swift motion, he pulls me up onto his lap to nuzzle and nip at my neck. “My body is screaming for me to take you straight away.”

I shift so I’m straddling him. Good God, he’s not kidding. I feel waves of heat pulsing out of the precise portion of his body doing the screaming. To my surprise, he lifts me to my feet.

“But I want to give you firelight and romance, not a quick pounding.”

I burst into laughter. “A quick pounding?”

He wraps his arms around me to grab my ass and crushes me against the proof he’s fully prepared to deliver the aforementioned pounding. When he steps back, my eyes drop to the gift I’m about to unwrap.Holy Jeez.I fear for the seams on the front of his jeans.

Jack stumbles to the fireplace, not entirely in control of his movements. Thank goodness he’s got ceramic logs and a gas fire that ignites instantly. He guides me to stand in front of the flames, shedding his own jacket before peeling mine off. Hands slip under my sweater, lifting the fabric an inch at a time until it joins my jacket on the floor. I flick the clasp on the front of my bra and shrug out of it.

“My God,” says Jack as he cups my breasts. He runs thumbs over my nipples, and they rise to his touch.

“Don’t move,” I say and raise his sweater to expose his flat stomach. I bend to kiss the half circle of skin above his navel and work my way up the center of his body, exposing his chest inch by inch until he’s shirtless. Tiny pebbles that I’m sure have nothing to do with the chill in the room rise along his skin. While I flick my tongue across his nipples, my hands slide inside the front of his jeans, exploring the glorious length of him.

Variations of, “My God” and “good Christ” rumble from his lips. By the time we’ve both stripped out of our jeans, he’s unsteady on his feet. His completely naked body is more beautiful than the sum of its parts that I’ve already seen. He’s as sleek and muscled as a mountain lion. The light from the hearth turns the red hair on his arms and legs into tiny licks of flame. I turn him sideways so the ruddy thatch between his legs glows in firelight.

His eyes are as wide and bright as the whole of a summer sky as we stand naked before one another. Jack takes one step closer to me so he can cup the back of my neck. His voice is thick and husky. “And in the moonlight, the evening breeze swept away her petals one by one until only the sweet core of her desire created for him alone glistened beneath the stars.”

I recognize the words fromThe Chieftain’s Son. The words of joining from Donal Cam to Nieve on their first night together. Lovers blessed by the heavens to follow each other through eternity. Words with the weight of lifetimes.

The rug before the fireplace is soft and thick. Jack eases me down and kisses his way up the inside of my thigh, slowing at my core to taste and tease with his tongue before finally sliding the length of his body against mine.

This darling man is sculpted to near perfection. My hands flow across every inch of his skin, learning, discovering. When I guide him inside me, light flickers around the room faster and faster. He’s careful at first, as he disappears deeper into my flesh, but then neither of us has any restraint left. My legs wrap around his body, and we rock together as one, riding wild Atlantic waves.

With a fierce call to the night, Jack plunges past the last of my petals. I arch up to bring him to a place inside me that’s never before been breached. It’s more than a mere joining; all our lines and curves perfectly compliment one another’s. Together, we form a magnificent sculpture. This is more than physical. My heart and spirit give over completely to this person as if they’ve been searching for him. Their quest ends in blinding success.

My own cry answers his, and we grip one another with bone cracking force. Our bodies refuse to separate. Jack’s mouth consumes mine with a fury I return as his tongue sweeps round and round with mine in a whirlwind.

It takes a long time before we loosen our grip on one another. Jack reaches up to pull a quilt off the back of the couch but stops. He flips me over his body so I land on the rug closer to the fire. When I try to turn onto my side, he presses his hand to my stomach so I’m on my back. Rising up on an elbow, he stares at me.

“What are you doing?”

“Shh,” he says and begins to draw circles around my breasts. “You’re a she dragon, glowing red in the embers.”

His fingers circle lower and lower until they find their target.Circles.More circles, until I moan so loudly no one in all of Sneem will have to guess what’s happening in the little red house.

“Oh, God. Jack. How long until you can—”

Instead of answering, his mouth closes over my breast, sucking gently. I can’t wait. I have to have him again or I’ll lose my mind. I slide my hand down his chest and don’t have to go very far before discovering no waiting is required.

He takes me more slowly this time, bringing me to madness in several creative ways before he finally embraces insanity with me.

My fingers dig into the muscles of his back as he collapses on top of me. I turn his face toward mine and drop light kisses across his cheek all the way to the shell of his ear so I can whisper. “Jack?”


“I never knew being with someone could be this intense, this…” I search for the right word to describe pulling my soul from my body and turning it to star fire. “Consuming.”

He kisses the tip of my nose. “A very wise woman once told me you’ve got to do something right ten times before you own it.”

When I curl his auburn chest hair around my pinkie, he spreads a hand across my ass.

“Well sir, then we’ve got work to do.”


The bubbles in Jack’s spa tub do wonders for the over-exercised places in my body. “This tub is enormous.”