Page 49 of Dazed By The Gods

I’m so relieved that Ryxa is okay, I could kiss her. Hell, after the display Kier and her put on yesterday, I might just kiss her anyway.

“Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t trust them. They are Gods after all.” Hecatate growls, keeping Ryxa hidden beneath her wing.

“I swear on everything I am that I am not here to harm you or Ryxa. However, I must warn you, if you harm one hair on her head, I’ll not be held responsible for my own actions.” I state clearly.

“Oh, I can see why you would die for them. They are quite yummy looking.”

“Did she just joke about eating us?” Ty asks, his jaw hanging open. Ryxa’s laughter is our only answer.

“I bet they’d taste worse than that other guy. They’re so stubborn and stupid sometimes that they’d be tough and tasteless.”

“That’s not even a little funny, Angel.” Kier snaps, glaring at the wing where Ryxa is hidden.

“I don’t like that one.” Hecatate says, glaring at Kier. “Can I at least kill him? He looks like he’d be entertaining to play with for an hour or so.”

“Yeah, sometimes I don’t like him either, but he is a male, and a God.” Ryxa laughs as the dragon unfolds her wing, letting us finally see Ryxa.

“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” Hecatate singsongs.

Ryxa pats the huge claw in front of her while saying, “If he pisses me off again, I might just take you up on that offer to kill him.”

Kier doesn’t even wait for the dragon to let Ryxa out, he runs straight over, heedless of the danger and wraps his arms around Ryxa.

“Can’t leave you alone for a second, can we?” He asks, squeezing her so tightly she grunts.

Ryxa slaps him on his chest before stepping back from him, “Hey, I wasn’t the one locked in a cell for hours.”

“No, you were just making friends with the dragon who eats people for fun.” He snaps back.

“I’ll eat you if you raise your voice to my friend again.”

“Oh he doesn’t mean anything by it. Kier, here is a big pussy cat, all claws and no teeth.”

“I like this one better.” Something wraps around my waist, lifting me off the ground. “He’s polite.” Hecatate says, dropping me on the soft nest thing beside Ryxa and Kier.

“This one’s not bad either.” She says, lifting Ty with her tail like she did me. She drops him down more gently than me and I laugh at the look of horror on his face.

“Okay, I can see why Ryxa likes you.” I laugh, sitting down and pulling Ryxa onto my lap. “I missed you.” I whisper into her ear.

“So this was all a setup by Ares, huh?” Ty asks, sitting down beside me and pulling Ryxa over to his lap. I give him a minute before pulling her back to me and turning her face to mine.

Without a word, I seal my lips to hers, kissing her the way I’ve dreamed of kissing her since the first moment I saw her. I don’t even care that there’s a dragon right beside us, all I care about is the fact that we’re safe, Ryxa is in my arms and I’m finally kissing her.



I can’t believe Seth is kissing me in front of his brothers. I don’t even know how to react right now.

Forget overthinking.I snap at myself silently. My lips move on their own, chasing his then opening for him. It’s heaven. I’ve died and gone to heaven and I can’t even complain because I finally have him in my arms, safe.

He opens his lips, teasing mine with his tongue before retreating. I’m not sure how long we chase each other’s tongues and lips, but it feels like it ends far too soon. Seth pulls away before me, but I don’t have time to complain as Ty pulls me to him, stealing a kiss that makes my toes curl with how sweet and gentle it is. He doesn’t take his time like Seth, but I feel the longing and emotions behind his kiss all the same.

“I missed you all too.” I whisper against Ty’s lips before pulling away from him.

“As cute as that reunion was, you’re all still in danger, so how about we figure out how to save you all so you can have that happy ever after, just like in the fairy tales.” Hecatate rumbles, knocking her claw into my side gently.

“What do you mean danger?” Kier asks, finally sitting down on Seth’s other side. He grabs my hand at the same time Ty grabs the other. I don’t pull away; I really did miss them.