Page 45 of Dazed By The Gods

Our heated moment is rudely interrupted by the one person with the power to break me.

“I should have known you were such a slut.” Eric sneers, making my eyes water.

“Don’t let him ruin this.” Kier whispers into my ear. “He’s just jealous and lashing out because he knows he’ll never be able to kiss you the way I can.”

I shove Kier away from me, his words making my heart break more than Eric’s ever could. Ares was right. It really would be a blessing to lose these kinds of memories when the alternative is knowing that no matter how much I want it, I’ll never be anything more than a temporary placeholder in any of their lives.

Falling for Gods sucks.



Seth and I arrived just in time to see the kiss between Kier and Ryxa. I’d say I’m not jealous, but the truth is, I’d give anything to be in Kier’s shoes right now. The lucky bastard has managed to steal two kisses already and I’ve yet to even try.

Unfortunately Eric - the douche, decides to ruin what should have been a sweet moment by opening his stupid mouth.

“I should have known you were such a slut.”

I don’t even wait for Kier to finish whispering whatever he says to Ryxa. I climb the steps two at a time and grab the stupid human by the throat, slamming him into the wall opposite Ryxa and Kier. Movement out the corner of my eye catches my attention, just in time to see Ryxa run down the stairs and around the corner.

“Seth.” I don’t need to say more. My brother takes off after her, leaving Kier and I to deal with Eric.

“You just keep putting your nose in where it doesn’t belong, don’t you?” Kier growls, getting right up in the little shit’s face. “How many times are we going to have to do this before you take the hint and leave Ryxa the fuck alone?”

After the asshole called her a slut in class, we beat the shit out of him. We were careful not to leave a mark on his face so it wouldn’t upset Ryxa, but we left plenty of bruises on the rest of his body. I honestly can’t believe he’d be stupid enough to come back and do it again.

“She’s mine!” Eric’s words are muffled by my hand at his throat, but I get the gist of them.

“Now that’s where you’re wrong.” I explain, keeping my voice calm as I squeeze his throat a little harder so he can’t talk at all. “By law she belongs to us and you need to learn – apparently the hard way – that there is nothing you can do to change that fact.”

“That’s quite enough! Release the human.” Fucking Zeus, still butting in where he’s not wanted.

I turn my glare on him, only to find that he’s not alone. Both Ares and Poseidon are by his side. I lower my gaze, releasing the foolish human and take a step back from him at the same time Kier does. None of us are strong enough to go up against the three of them without our powers and unlike the stupid human, we’re not dumb enough to try.

“Leave!” Zeus’s command is directed at the human, but I look at Kier and nod my head towards where Ryxa disappeared. He nods and the two of us turn to leave as well.

“Nope, you two aren’t going anywhere.” Zeus snaps, forcing us to stop. “Ares, go find the other one. I think it’s time we had a little chat with the three of them.”

If it wasn’t for the fact that they’d be leaving Ryxa without one of us to protect her, I’d happily go with them to find out what they want, but I really don’t want Ryxa left unprotected.

Kier obviously has the same thoughts, “Whatever you need to discuss with us, you can say to just us two, we’ll fill our brother in.”

“Fetch the other one Ares. I want the three of them in front of me in the next five minutes or their little human girl will pay the price.”

I’m actually shocked that Ares seems to jump at that threat. He vanishes with a slight pop and returns in seconds with Ty. My eyes go wide as I realise that they may have left Ryxa somewhere upset and alone. “Please, you have to let one of us go find Ryxa. She’s upset-.”

“I don’t give a flying fuck about your human. You three have caused enough problems in my school.” Zeus shouts. Everyone who had been hanging around to watch the show vanishes as though they too have the powers of a full God, even the humans suddenly have somewhere else to be. “Follow me.”

With no other choice, Kier, Seth and I follow Zeus as he leads us through the hallways and down a set of stairs. I’ve never gone down and through a rabbit warren of tunnels lit only by the soft glow of the orb in Zeus’s hands.

He marches further into the darkness, stopping in front of what looks like a cage. “Get in.”

The clang of the bars makes my skin crawl, but it’s the thought of leaving Ryxa out there, unprotected, that kills me the most. “Thank God Junior’s not in here with us.” I mutter as Zeus and the other two leave, taking the light with them.