Page 40 of Dazed By The Gods

“How do we break the bond so you all can find new humans then?” I ask instead.

“We can’t. I already told you, a Gods word is binding. So stop trying to find a way out of this.” Again his command sinks into my flesh. I glare at him, but he’s already turned away, talking to Tanner about ways to stop Zeus, Ares, and Poseidon.

Seth’s arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me tightly into his side. “We’ll figure it out. No need for you to worry.”

“You’re going to erase me from existence. What’s to worry about?” I snap, pushing his arm off me and storming from the room.

With nowhere else to go, I return to my own room next door, my mood plummeting with every step I take away from them. By the time I make it through my dorm room door and into my bedroom, the tears of hopelessness are running freely down my face.

“Stupid Gods don’t even realise what they’ve done.” I mutter as I bury my face into my pillow.

I’m not sure when I cried myself to sleep, but I wake to a face hovering over me. “Fuck off, Kier.” I growl pushing his face away.

“Nope.” He laughs, popping the P. “We need you up and ready in twenty minutes. Classes start in half an hour and we can’t be late.”

I pull the sheet up and over my head, effectively blocking him out. “I’m not going to classes. Tanner had me do it all online. I finished this term’s work already.”

“You’re shitting me?” He laughs again, pulling at the sheet. We end up having a mini tug of war over it before I give in and let him pull it away.

“I’m not. I finished all the assignments and there’s no reason for me to attend classes now.”

“Yes, there is. We have to present a united front. We’ve got a plan and part of that is you going to classes with us and acting as though everything is normal.”

“Nothing in this place is normal.” I growl, sitting up on the bed.

“I know, Angel, but trust us please. I told you, we have a plan.” The asshole grabs my arm and literally drags me out of the bed before depositing me on the floor in front of the bathroom. “Now get that sexy ass ready. We’re going to have a long day ahead of us.”

“Are you going to tell me the plan?” I ask, refusing to move into the bathroom.

“Nope.” He gently pushes me into the bathroom and pulls the door closed trapping me in the room.

“Bossy asshole.” I growl under my breath.

“I heard that.” His laughter comes through the door and I deliberately flick the lock before adding. “Bossiness and assholes aren’t attractive, you know.” All I get in reply is more laughter. I’m curious what has him in such a good mood, but not curious enough to skip my shower to find out. Just to spite him, I take my time washing my body, my hair and shaving my legs, before stepping out and grabbing a towel almost twenty minutes later.

“Congratulations, you now only have two minutes to get dressed and no time for breakfast.” Kier growls from his position on the end of my bed as I step out of the bathroom. His good mood has clearly vanished. I’m not sure whether to be proud I caused this new bad mood or worried. I opt for smirking at him and calmly informing him that I wasn’t hungry anyway.

“You’re not fat, you know. You don’t need to starve yourself to look good.” His reply has me freezing in place, one foot over the threshold of my walk-in wardrobe. “I’m not starving myself.” I hiss.

“Then why don’t you eat properly?”

“I eat.”

Kier crosses his arms over his chest, “You’re never in the dining hall, you don’t have any food in your cupboards… When exactly are you eating?”

I mimic his stance, crossing my own arms over my chest. It pushes my boobs up and the towel down slightly, but I keep my arms crossed.

“I’ve been eating in the kitchens with Malcom and the staff. They’re really nice people and they don’t mind me invading their space so long as I stay out of the way when they’re preparing meals.”

“I’ll accept your answer as truth, but from now on, you’ll eat with the rest of us at meal times. That includes breakfast. We’re also going to be sharing your dorm room from now on. We’ve set the other rooms up for us, I’ll be sleeping here tonight. Seth tomorrow, Ty on Friday and so on. Alternating between the three of us should give you time to get to know each of us individually.”

I storm across the room, shoving him hard in the chest. The asshole doesn’t even flinch. “So now I get no say in who I spend time with?”

“That’s not what I said. Why do you insist on fighting with me every step of the way?”

“Because not once have you bothered to consider what I want. You’ve been bossy from the start, demanding that I-.”

I cut myself off as Tanner pokes his head into my room, his eyes bouncing from Kier to me before he lifts a brow in question, “Am I interrupting something?”