Page 38 of Dazed By The Gods

“As many of you know, in the past there have been times when we’ve had a few Gods and Goddesses united with several human liaisons, however this is a first for us all. Our first Quadruple with three Gods and one human.” Zeus waves his hand towards us, motioning for one of us to step forward and give the required speech.

As the eldest, it’s my job to do so. However, before coming here tonight, we all agreed that Seth should be the one to deliver the speech so I don’t fuck things up for us worse than they already are. He's usually the most level-headed of us.

Seth takes centre stage, putting his back to Zeus, a clear insult that brings several gasps from the audience. I almost groan out loud as he begins his speech.

“I guess that makes the four of us the honoured guests for the night, glad to know we’re more special than just being born from the same womb.” He chuckles but no one else does. “Wow, tough crowd, alright, let’s try this again.”

He takes a big breath then releases it and says in a loud clear voice. “Anyone fucks with our girl and I’ll kill them.”

I swear if the dick had a mic, he’d do a mic drop and storm off the stage with Angel and the rest of us in tow. As it is, we all follow him off stage and back to the doors we came through.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t help any of us, Ares and Poseidon block the doorway with arms crossed and menacing grins on their faces. “Not so fast you four, we still have the official vows to do.”

“Shit, I’d hoped we could skip that part by causing a big enough scene.” Seth whispers to Angel.

“What vows?” Angel asks, leaning into Seth’s side to hear his answer.

I can’t hear Seth’s answer but I could guess given the way Angel glares at all of us. The vows aren’t really that bad, but considering Angel knows the truth about what really happens to our liaisons, to her they’re basically a death sentence.

“No.” She backs away from Seth, but Ares steps into her path, blocking her from getting further than a few steps.

“Ryxa, we have to.” I say gently, trying to convey with my soft voice and eyes that it’s far too dangerous to argue against this.

“Go on, back to the stage. Just say the words and all of this will be over.” Ares growls, herding us with the assistance of Poseidon. It only takes a few seconds but watching the horror on Angel’s face makes it feel like a lifetime. I’m right there with her on this. I don’t want to bind her to us, nor do I want to force her into this, but it’s too late to back out now.

Seth, Ty and I circle around her on the stage, our gazes never leaving her as we repeat the words. “From this day, until the last, I vow to protect, nurture, and care for Ryxa Day.” I pass the sheet of paper with the words Ryxa has to say but she glares at me. If looks could kill, her beautiful pale eyes would be icing my body over until I couldn’t breathe and I dropped dead where I stood.

I know what will happen if she doesn’t say the words, I hiss the warning but it comes too late. “Say it or they’ll force yo….”

With tears dripping down her cheeks her mouth opens and the words pour from her mouth, “I Ryxa Day, vow to obey Kier, Ty, and Seth Typhon-.” Her voice cuts off the second she finishes speaking our names, her beautiful eyes go wide before she quickly scans the words on the page again. “And no others. I vow to protect, nurture and care for them as though they are my own family.” Her words come out strong and confident. I’m not sure what brought on the change in her, but Zeus looks pissed.

“Vows are done, they can’t stop any of us now. Let’s get out of here before those assholes realise they just lost their spy.” Angel whisper yells to all our shock. As we’re jumping off the stage, I spot Junior trying to make his way towards us. I shake my head, trying to let him know we’re getting out of here, but he keeps pushing through the oblivious crowd.

“Did it work?” He demands the second he reaches us.

“She’s bound to us three and no other.” I grunt.

“So when’s the honeymoon?” Angel laughs as we leave the ballroom and slip into the hidden passageway. The four of us stop dead in our tracks, our mouths hanging open as we stare at her. “Oh come on, that was funny. Those vows are basically a wedding without theI do’sand the kissing.”

“That’s not….” I trail off, not knowing how to explain it.

Junior jumps in, his hands clenched at his sides. “Gods don’t do weddings the same as humans, those vows are used to bind the human to the God to prevent anyone else from taking advantage of them.”

“No wonder you all think it’s love when you make the poor humans forget. You literally choose young humans who have raging hormones and puppy love in their hearts, then force them into close proximity to you all and then treat them like slaves.” The disgusted look on her face is enough to make me second guess everything I’ve ever believed about siphoning humans to gain our powers, but she’s wrong.

“We don’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want.” I snap.

“No, you just lead them on and then make them say the words that in our society is the equivalent of marriage vows and make them believe they stand a chance, only for you to turn around and make them forget you.” She huffs, “You Gods really are selfish dicks.”

“The vows aren’t normally said until the human has known their God or Goddess for at least a year. I’m not even sure why Zeus, Ares and Poseidon were so pushy with us.” Ty admits.

“Maybe they thought pushing us to take a human between the three of us would weaken our powers.” Seth suggests, surprising us all.

Sounds from the other side of the door have us all jumping, I walk over to the peep hole and peer out. A couple is leaning against the panel of the wall making out, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Silence! We should probably take this discussion somewhere else.” I whisper yell.

I’m actually surprised no one argues with me considering the heated discussion we were all just having but one look at Angel’s face and I realise why she’s not arguing.