Page 20 of Savaged

“Let’s watch an old school action. Maybe the Die Hard series.” Brax rumbles beside me, causing the rest of them to start arguing more.

Even their arguing seems to be less serious than before. I’m not sure what has changed between them all, but I kinda like it. There’s something about them all that just fits, almost as though they were made to compliment each other. Like they’re all parts of a whole that was missing it’s pieces before now.

They finally decide on Birds of Prey and Wez turns the light off before sitting down on the floor in front of me. He leans his back against the couch, on impulse I run my fingers through his hair. The strands are super soft, I’d thought they’d be thick with product with how well his style holds. My fingernails scrap lightly at his scalp and he groans low in his throat making me shiver in a lustful way. Both Brax and Prince Douche shift uncomfortably, which results in the two of them moving closer to me.

I don’t want to stop playing with Wez’s hair but the fact that he’s a teacher finally hits me and I withdraw my hands, blushing from head to toe.I can’t believe I forgot for a moment that he’s my teacher.

About half way through the movie my legs start to fall asleep, trying not to bump the guys around me, I shift in my seat. With the two of them so close and Wez leaning against the couch, I can’t stretch my legs out enough to get the blood flowing again. With a huff, I shift more but nothing works.

After a few minutes, Brax grabs my legs by the backs of my knees and pulls them across his lap, turning me slightly more towards the Prince at the same time. I’ve never been trapped between two guys on a couch before but I sure feel like this is a place I never want to leave. If anyone were to ask me what the fuck is going on in the movie, I’d be screwed cause all I can think about is the two guys I’m surrounded by.

Something is definitely changing between us all. I just hope it doesn’t end as badly as my last friendship did.

I can’t stand seeing her lying between the two of them. I’d hovered in the doorway for what felt like hours just waiting. The rest of them fell asleep not long after the second movie began, but Wesley took far longer to doze off. I was beginning to think I’d have to knock him out to get to her, but thankfully he drifted off watching her sleep.

I pick my path carefully, stepping between the couch and Wesley’s prone figure. With slow movements, I slide my hands beneath Alissa, lifting her with little effort. The tricky part will be getting her out of the room without anyone waking up, but that too goes smoothly. After gliding up the stairs, I fumble with her door, before finally lifting her so her head is in the crook of my neck as I twist the knob. She mumbles something into my skin making me freeze, but after a few seconds her body relaxes again.

I almost trip over her riding gear as I make my way over to her bed but manage to get past it with only a muttered curse. I pause for a moment trying to figure out how I’m going to pull the covers back and lower her to the bed, before giving up and gently laying her down on top of the covers.

She’s still sound asleep, so I take my time positioning her hair, straightening her clothes and then I grab a spare blanket from the end of the bed and gently tuck her in. I’m tempted to lay down beside her, to hold her just for a moment, but I’ve already risked too much extracting her from the assholes downstairs.

I leave a parting gift of a single soft kiss to her temple before backing out of the room and silently closing the door. I hate leaving her but it’s not time to reveal myself yet.

She’s not ready.

“Soon, my love.” I whisper, stroking the door before escaping.

I wake to a crick in my neck and a foot beside my head. For a disorientating minute, I panic thinking I’ve passed out somewhere but then the memory of Alissa’s hands sifting through my hair come back to me. It’s been years since I felt as relaxed as I did last night. I have no idea what I’m going to do. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and everything I’ve ever dreamed yet so far out of reach she might as well be on the moon.

I sit up and turn so I can see her. My eyes go wide as I realise she’s no longer there between Samuel and Braxton. With my heart in my throat, I push up until I’m on my knees, bumping Braxton in the process. “Alissa?”

“She’s not here.”

“What the fuck?!” He shouts pushing me out of the way as he bolts for the door. I’m hot on his heels, ignoring the sleepy questions being fired at me from the others who woke up at Braxton’s shout. I overtake Braxton on the stairs and run straight to Alissa’s room. Her door is open, her bed messed up but there’s no sign of her anywhere in the room.

I spin on my heel and rush back down the stairs, opening doors and looking into each room along the way. I run into Samuel near the kitchen, but he just shakes his head, “She’s not down here.”

“Where the fuck is she?” Braxton’s voice booms through the small house. “Alissa?!” He shouts, his voice rough from shouting so loud.

“Maybe she went for a walk.” I suggest moving towards the back door that lets out onto the path to the beach.

“How the fuck did we lose her? Last time I saw her she was asleep between Brax and Sam.” Princess mutters following behind me. There’s something off about the way he says it, but I’m too worried about Alissa being missing to stop and question him.

We run all the way to the beach in seconds but there’s no one around; Not a single soul along the entire beach.

Princess suggests going further down the beach, so I let him wander off and return to their house to let the others know and grab my phone.

“Did she have classes today? Maybe she went in early.” My brother suggests as he meets me at the back door.

“No, she only has music this afternoon.” Samuel says coming around the corner of the house. “Brax went over to SCU anyway, he’s got his phone and will let us know if he finds her. He’s going to check the library and gym. She sometimes goes there while there’s no one else around.”

“I’m going to go check the Faculty building, maybe she went looking for one of her teachers.” I say before adding, “Someone should stay here in case she comes back.”

“On it.” Samuel states pushing Kal out of the way and going back into the house. I feel like pulling my hair out. We all agreed after she fell asleep that we’d stay close to her, keep her safe and only a few hours later we’ve lost her.

I grab my phone, shoes and wallet from the side table where I left them last night and bring her number up, it rings for ages before the message bank finally picks up, “Alissa, it’s Wesley, please call me back as soon as possible.”

The longer we go without finding her the more I begin to panic. Everyone agreed to call as soon as they found her, but so far there’s been no word. I’ve been at the Faculty building for a little over an hour when my phone rings. “Hello?”