Page 16 of Savaged

Standing here in front of the classroom door waiting for her is like waiting for the gallows and for the most scrumptious dessert at the same time. Both exhilarating and mind numbingly frightful. I want her, but I don’t want her. After my father’s last phone call, I know I don’t have a choice, but everything in me wants to fight this. To rebel and make sure she doesn’t end up in his hands. I can’t though. There’s too much at stake to defy my father after he forced me to publicly announce it.

The only bright side is that at least now she’ll be mine and I won’t have to compete with anyone. No matter what these other three assholes waiting right beside me think, I know they all now understand that she’s off limits.

After all, I didn’t stake my claim so openly for nothing. The three of them knew who I was talking about, I could see it on their faces the second I said it and I made damn sure to look them in the eyes when I made my announcement.

“You lot can go. She doesn’t need you anymore.” I snarl, hoping they’ll fuck right off so I can finally have some alone time with my girl. I know she doesn’t have any other classes today and I know these assholes do. I make it my business to know everything about every one of my subjects, including the fact that Braxton isn’t blood related to Princeton. I’m not even sure the two of them are aware of that fact, but the proof is in their looks, blood type and the fact that my private investigator was able to pull up their family history along with their medical files.

Kalvan and Wesley Carr might be an issue later on if they decide to push things by coming between me and my girl, however I’ve also got Wesley by the skin of his balls; or more precisely I have him on video making out with a girl from one of his classes last year. Not that it’s actually what it looks like, he didn’t have an affair with the girl, he just didn’t push her away fast enough to stop me from getting some incriminating evidence against him.

My girl finally steps out of the classroom, her bright eyes full of hope and confidence. I almost turned away from her. I hate myself for what I’m about to do. I know once I take this step the light in her eyes may never shine again. They’ll dim the second my father gets what he wants, but I don’t have a choice. I have to do this. It’s my only chance at freedom.

But maybe I don’t have to do this alone. Maybe she could help me. If she’s as powerful as my father says then Alissa Collis might just be the answer to all my prayers.

A plan forms in my mind as I step up to her side and wrap my arm around her shoulders. “We need to talk, somewhere private.” I add a pleading note to my voice and to my surprise she nods her head towards the exit.

Unfortunately her entourage follow us all the way back to her house and no matter how many death glares I send their way, they kept following. The moment we’re all inside, I stop and turn to face the others. “Leave.” I hiss.

“No. We’re all here for the same reason, we like Alissa, we want to keep her safe.” Brax states moving closer to her. A growl lodges in my throat but I don’t let it escape.

“What I want to talk to her about has nothing to do with any of you.” My temper is right on the edge of blowing up but I keep it reined in, desperate to maintain my composure. It’s easier to do while I’m looking around at the pathetic place they call home. The furniture all looks like it came direct from some perfect homes catalogue, all plain colours and shapes with no character to them at all, it’s really quite boring.Would she be better off living with me? That would make it harder for the stalker to harass her as well….

“Look, you can all keep arguing and I’ll just go back to SCU. I’m not really sure why I’m here in the first place.” Alissa’s voice cuts through my haze of rage quicker than anything else has ever been able to. I spin back to face her, the words dying in my throat at what I see. Her entire body is covered in flames. Even her hair looks like living fire. She doesn’t seem to be aware of what is happening to her, but the moment our gasps reach her, she loses it.

“What the fuck is happening to me?” Even her voice sounds like a crackling flame.

“Take a deep breath Alissa. Focus on my voice.” Hearing Wez speak is enough to calm her slightly. The flames receding a bit. I’m not even sure where he came from. He certainly wasn’t following us, at least not that I saw. Although I wasn’t really paying too much attention to anyone other than Alissa. She consumes my every thought when she’s near.

“Alissa, I need you to pull the flames back into yourself. Let your mind calm and focus on just the feeling of drawing them back in.” Her face scrunches up at Wez’s order, causing the flames to leap wildly around her. The floor beneath her feet starts to burn and my worry increases enough to snap me out of my daze. “Stop, you’re making things worse!” I snarl at Wez, moving between the two of them. Without thinking, I grab Alissa by the shoulders and draw the flames surrounding her into myself. No one says a word as I defuse the situation, but the moment I drop my hands and back away again, they all explode into action.

“You’re the hybrid!” Princess shouts, his voice taking on a deeper tone than usual.

“I’m so sorry.” Alissa cries.

“Do you know what you are?” Braxton asks.

“We can’t let anyone know what just happened!” Wez shouts over the top of everyone.

Kal’s the only one that doesn’t say anything, he just stares at Alissa as though she hung the moon and the stars and I can’t stand the desire that’s so clear in his eyes.


Someone needs to pinch me. She lit up like a flame. There’s no way she could be like me, yet there she was surrounded by living flame and looking far more tempting than ever before. I’ve read every myth, legend and fairy tale about Phoenixes from the moment I figured out what I am. There was only ever one thing that they all had in common. A Phoenix has an eternal life, but there are only ever two in existence at any time. Contrary to their eternal lifespan, they can be killed, they just return after a hundred years as a baby and go through the cycle of life all over again.

Not one of the myths ever mentioned anything about Phoenixes being hybrids. It’s too good to be true, yet here we are. I’ve had my suspicions since I first laid eyes on her, but this confirmation is nothing like what I was expecting. Of course I may have romanticised meeting my other half; Five years of daydreaming over a myth will do that.

I would never have dreamed it would be her though I probably should have guessed. Not many people have fire-red hair that glows when they’re angry. The first time I ever saw her she was glowing; I just didn’t realise what I was seeing.

It was my first night on Santa Catalina Island. I’d just gotten off the boat, the sun was setting, casting a bewitching glow across the sand and water and there she was. Standing with her hair streaming behind her like a veil of flames. Even from a few hundred feet away I could see the allure of her beauty.

I was so sure I was dreaming even though I could feel the cold wet sand beneath my feet. Feel the bite of the chill wind on my flesh. How could it be real? Five years of dreaming about a single person and not once meeting them in person. Then I blinked and she was gone.

Remembering it now, it all makes sense, she was real, she just teleported away from the beach like she did in class that first day. I’m not sure how I didn’t make the connection, but I’m sure as hell not going to lose this opportunity.

My perfect match in every way and she’s right here, has been right here for weeks now. What must she think of me? I haven’t exactly made the best impression. Not only have I shunned her, but I’ve been downright cruel to her by ignoring her all this time.

All those times she’s passed me in these very rooms… How will she ever see me as anything but a broody asshole who ignored her very existence?

There’s nothing left to do but try and convince her that I’m worthy of her.