Page 28 of Aryena’s Secret

Think Areyna, think. There has to be something I can do that doesn't require anything out of the ordinary.I look around the room, the teacher still going on about students being spawns of the devil, blah blah. For an infirmary there really isn't much in here, a desk, a chair on wheels. A medicine cabinet attached to the wall, the beds and the curtains surrounding them.There has to be something.

"You stupid brat, even when I'm threatening to kill you, you don't bother listening to me." I feel the sting before I realise what has happened. Frowning, I look down at my chest, the blade she was brandishing is now deeply imbedded in my ribs just below my boob. I vaguely remember something about not taking weapons or sharp objects from the wounds, but I can't seem to remember why. I try to lift my arm, grabbing at the handle, my fingers slip uselessly off the cold metal. The lights flicker. I can't catch my breath.Richard, Jason, I need you."Please..." I whisper, before everything goes black.

* * *

"Areyna?"I can hear someone calling my name, but I can't open my eyes or move. I know I need to respond; I need to get up, but something isn't right. "Areyna, can you hear me?" Again I hear the voice, it's deep and full of sadness, almost like the owner of the voice is crying. "Please, Areyna, open your eyes."

Don't cry.I lift my hand, searching for the face behind the voice, my eyes flicker but all I see is a flash of colour.It's too bright.I try again just as a sharp pain goes through my chest.

"Don't touch the knife. She'll bleed out faster than we can get blood into her." I recognise the other voice, a face hovers in the darkness but I can't bring it into focus. "Areyna, I need you to open your mouth sweetheart. Can you do that for me?"

I can try.I feel the muscles in my face moving but it doesn't feel right.

"Shit, I'm sorry, sweetheart, this might hurt." Something hard pushes down on my chin and then some sort of liquid fills my mouth. The liquid is unlike anything I've ever tasted before, it's tangy but sweet with a hint of what almost tastes like cinnamon. The more I swallow the less my chest hurts. "I'm going to remove the knife sweetheart, don't move, okay?" The pain is indescribable. My eyes fly open then I squeeze them shut.I can't take the pain another second.

"Drink, beautiful. It'll take the pain away, I promise." I open my eyes to see Derrin staring down at me, his beautiful eyes are full of worry, but underneath that I can see a hint of anger. "Come on, beautiful, drink." He presses his wrist to my mouth and my fangs pop out with a sick tearing sound, going straight through his flesh. Blood pools in my mouth and I swallow, each mouthful hits my tongue with a vanilla scent. He tastes like cupcakes and I can't get enough. I suck harder and he groans. "Shit, beautiful, slow down. I need to keep some of my blood." I can't stop though; I keep going causing him to groan again. "Remmie, take over, she's going to drain me dry."

He pulls away and I whimper. "More." I growl huskily. "Two seconds, darling, I'm here." Remmie leans over me, lifting me up gently, he positions me so that I'm on his lap and then gently guides my face to his neck. I'm too weak to fight it, I sink my fangs into his neck, drinking deeply. Remmie too has a strange, sweet taste but he's more like honey than anything else.

"Did they catch her?" I whisper my question into Remmie's ear. Too tired to talk any louder.

"Who, darling?"

"The maths teacher, she was the one who attacked me. She was talking about teachers getting even with students." My eyes close on the last word.

"Areyna you need to stay awake, just a little longer." Remmie holds me close as he gets up off the floor. I look down and gasp, the entire floor is covered in blood. My blood.

"Rose do you know who stabbed you?" Richard's face looms in front of mine, his eyes taking on that more serious green hue.

"She said it was Miss Tranbol. The maths teacher."

"A teacher? Are you sure?" Jason draws my attention to him; he's sitting on the bed I put the girl on.

"Where's the girl?" I ask in a panic.

"She's been taken to the hospital. This rooms been declared a crime scene only us allowed in until the chief gets here. All the rest of the students were sent home, and speaking of home, Remmie, could you take Areyna home, I don't want her here when the chief arrives."

"What do you say darling, want to come home with me for a little while?"

"No offence Remmie but your sister's a bigger bitch than you are."

"I don't have a sist... Oh, you mean Tori. She's my cousin, not my sister. I'll explain on the way."

"I thought you were twins." I say around a yawn.

"No darling, she's just a pain in the ass."

"Our place Remmie, I don't want her left alone right now, but I also don't want her around other humans either."

"Oh, good point." Remmie laughs carrying me out the door and through the office. I yawn again, struggling to stay awake. The hallways of the school blur past as Remmie quickly leaves, I blink and suddenly I'm being lowered into a car.

"It's okay sweetheart, you can sleep now." Torren whispers, placing a soft kiss on my cheek as he buckles my seatbelt.



"I feel like we might have done the wrong thing in saving her life." Remmie's voice wakes me up. I look around and realise I'm in my own bedroom, slipping out of bed, I sneak over to the door across the hall. Through the gap I see Remmie, Torren and Derrin, playing snooker in the games room.