Page 25 of Aryena’s Secret

With a sigh, I grab my boots and head down stairs to join him and Richard for breakfast. The least I can do is not complain about school when it’s making Jase so happy right now.

The drive to school is surprisingly quick. I’m not sure if it’s because Jase and Char were acting like actual teens and having fun or if it’s because it’s only a short drive but either way I find myself nervously climbing out of the car.

Torren, Derrin and Remmie are all waiting for us in the car park, their eyes glued to me. I swallow roughly, unsure if I’m in trouble after the way Remmie took my banter last night. With each step towards them, their smiles light up, as though they are happy to see me. Well, me, Char and Jase, after all they each do that manly pat on the back side hug thing guys do to both Richard and Jason before turning their smiles back to me.

“Hi.” My voice wavers on the single word.

“Hey beautiful.” Derrin sing songs as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Looks like it’s just us for English today.”

I shrug out from under Derrin’s arm and turn to face Jase. “What, why?”I had English yesterday and Jase was in the class with me.I don’t get a chance to say it out loud, a group of girls swarm the guys, pushing me out from between them.

“We heard that you guys got picked for the football team this year.” The dark-haired girl steps right in front of me, batting her lashes at Derrin. My fists clench at my sides with the effort it takes not to react. I don’t want the guys’ attention taken away from me, but I know I have no claim over them. After a few deep breaths with my eyes closed, I open them to find the dark-haired girl with her hands on Derrin’s arm, the red haired one leaning against Torren and the two blondes talking animatedly to Richard and Jason. The only person being ignored by the girls is Remmie.

“Is it always like this?” I whisper as I move out of the way and stand beside Remmie.

He glances down at me, his eyes wide almost as though he’s shocked I’m talking to him, “Most of the time.” He whispers back.

“Are you in my English class?” I ask as I lean against the wall beside him.

I’m shocked when he actually turns towards me and whispers, “No, I’m in the AP class.”

He’s still frowning though, so I try to get him to talk more, “What’s the difference?”

“Harder assignments.”

Okay, even I can take a hint. His short answers are loud and clear. He’s still pissed at me for what I said last night. “Look about last night….” I rub the back of my neck and shift my weight to my other leg. “I’m sorry. You’re not that odd, I just meant-.”

“I know what you meant. It’s fine.”

“Doesn’t seem fine.” I hedge.

“Just drop it. I said it’s fine.” He snaps, drawing the attention of the others. My jaw hits the floor as he storms off.

“What happened?” Derrin asks, brushing off the dark-haired girl. Finally.

“I’m not sure.”

“Don’t push him, whatever it is, he’ll come around.” Torren says right before he takes off after Remmie. It doesn’t make me feel any better, I still feel like I’ve ruined our friendship before it even begins.

“Come on, don’t want to be late for English.” Derrin places his hand on the small of my back and a shiver runs up my spine.

“Derrin, want to walk me to class, mine’s right next to yours.” The dark-haired girl grabs his arm again, while simultaneously trying to nudge me out of the way with her hip.

Getting annoyed, I shift closer to Derrin, “Excuse me.” I mutter as I accidently bump her.

“What?” She snaps at me. If looks could kill, I’d be ten feet under and beginning to mummify. I’m not sure what I did to piss this girl off, but she’s got one hell of a hate on for me. “We were talking here.”

“Actually Neiva, Areyna and I were talking and you rudely interrupted.” Derrin shakes the bitch off and grabs my hand, pulling me along behind him as he hurries down the hallway past a group of glaring girls. Past Remmie and Torren who are arguing in hushed voices, all the way to the classroom. I’m out of breath by the time he finally stops in front of the English classroom.

Derrin pulls me into the room, forcing me to sit in the chair next to him. My stomach flutters with nerves as he turns to face me, ignoring the girl who sits down on his other side. “We never did get a chance to talk about the bonfire night, did we?”


“I just wanted to thank you for helping me out that night. Although now that I know you know…” he lowers his voice to barely a whisper, looking around to see if anyone is close enough to hear, “…the cops who showed up, I’m not sure why you helped me.”

“It seemed like the right thing to do at the time.” I mutter blushing.

“Kissing you seemed like the right thing to do at the time too.”