Page 21 of Aryena’s Secret

"Quit pushing me around, I already agreed to talk to you."

"What the fuck man?" Derrin snaps, drawing my attention to the rest of the room. I blush as I see Remmie sucking on Derrin's wrist. He lets go, staring at me like I'm the enemy.

"I second that question, what the fuck isshedoinghere?" Remmie glares at me then grabs a cloth off the desk next to him, he wraps it around Derrin's wrist, putting pressure on the wound.

"I thought that was obvious, she's one of us and I'll not have any of you treating her the way you have been." Torren snarls pushing me further into the room. I stumble a few steps before regaining my balance and glaring over my shoulder at Torren. He completely ignores the look I give him, moving further into the room and perching on the edge of a desk near the window.

"What about those cops she's here with?" My eyes bug out at Derrin’s words.Does everyone know who they really are?

"Derrin, give it a rest. Thosecopsare nothing more than a couple of humans." Torren laughs. "Besides, she actually bonded them, so they'll do whatever she says."

Remmie gasps, but it’s Derrin who furiously shouts, "Seriously you've slept with both of them?"

"I... No. I just drank their blood." I shrug not understanding why Derrin would jump to that conclusion.Not that I haven't thought about sleeping with them, dreamed about it in fact.

"Don't bother lying, we've seen it before, you fuck them, drink from them and they bond to you. Doesn't work without the sex part and the fact that they follow you around like a pair of lovesick puppies leads me to believe my own conclusions. You. Slept. With. Them." Derrin punctuates each word with a crude gesture.

Folding my arms across my chest, I lift my chin staring right into Derrin's dark eyes. "Shows what you know!" I snap.

"I know that you are nothing like the sweet, shy girl you're pretending to be." He says advancing on me. I back up with each step he takes, until my back is to the wall. He cages me in, a hand on either side of my head, pressing his palms flat against the wall. His voice drops a couple of octaves and a shiver runs down my spine. "I know you kiss like the world is ending and you can't get enough." He lowers his head, his eyes dilating. My breathing speeds up, anticipation and lust fuelling me. Almost like a switch flips, I snap out of it, seconds before his lips touch mine.

"And I know you're nothing more than a jerk who toys with girls and then throws them away like yesterday's trash." I duck out from under his arm, crossing the room until I'm far enough away that none of them can touch me. "Answer my questions and I'll leave."

"Guess we won't be talking then." Remmie laughs.

"Wait, what?"

"Areyna! What the hell were you thinking running off like that?" Richard shouts as he opens the classroom door. Derrin, Remmie and Torren all stand in front of me in the blink of an eye.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that." Derrin growls in a menacing tone. I try to push between him and Torren, but they close the gap. I try to step around them, they move as one, always keeping me behind them.

"Like you lot can talk, treating her like your toy. She's ours and you need to get that through your thick head." Jason takes a step forward and the three in front of me growl, an animalistic sound, meant as a warning.

"Sweetheart, tell me the truth, have you slept with these two?" Derrin hisses.

I let out a growl of my own, "How many times do I have to tell you? I have not slept with either of them, they are my guardians."

"What did you just say?" Torren asks, glancing over his shoulder at me.

"She said guardians, not mates or bonded." Remmie says carefully.

"She doesn't know what she is saying, do you Areyna?" Derrin accuses.

He's an arrogant asshole but he's right though. "I said guardians because that's what they are, legally they are my guardians, they have been appointed by the state to take care of me. To keep me out of trouble and to make sure that I am provided for."

"Stop talking Rose, none of that is their business." Richard growls from the other side of the room.

"See? told you she had no idea what she was saying." Derrin says smarmily.

"Okay, that's it, I'm done. Move!" I growl. Shock, that's what this feeling is, the feeling I have as I watch the three guys step aside at my command. Richard and Jason both stare at me, they've never seen me lose my temper, I usually avoid conflict, but I've had enough of all of these guys, including them. "Sit down and shut up, it's my turn to talk." All five of the guys move over to the desks, sitting down like good students. I'm not sure if I've suddenly developed mind control or if they are all just so shocked that I would speak to them that way, but whatever it is, they are doing as I say. Curious I walk over to Derrin and say, "Pat your head and rub your stomach."

"Don't push it, beautiful, you're lucky I'm even sitting here."

Huh, well I guess that rules out mind control.I pace back and forth a couple times in front of them, trying to find the right words to say. "Explain the bond." I lean over Torren's desk, staring into his dark eyes, he seems to be the one in charge.

"The bond is formed when you have sex and then drink from a human, but that doesn't seem to apply to you. Looks like all you have to do is feed on them and they begin bonding to you."

"How manyhybridsare there?" I ask turning my gaze on Jason and Richard. They are the ones who have been lying to me, now I'm wondering just what else they have lied about.