“Well you better not be drunk at the wedding. You are in charge of making sure everything runs smoothly and how the hell are you going to do that if your head is stuck in a toilet?”

“Oh relax, of course I won’t be plastered at the wedding. Just tipsy enough to tolerate the situation.” I pull out my mixer and set it aside. “Where do you want to go tonight anyways? I’m going to have to meet you there since I have a shit load of baking to do.” I glare at her at the end of my sentence and she gives me her goofy grin.

“I was thinking Clancy’s since we haven’t been there in forever. Oh shit. Remember the last time you, me, and Joey went there? Didn’t he end up hooking up with three different guys in one night?”

“Of course, in true Joey fashion. That definitely won’t be happening tonight considering he’s practically engaged as it is.” My face drops at the fact that I’m the only single friend in our circle and I shake my head at myself. No sulking. You don’t need a man. Men are dickheads.

“Dylan.” She reaches over and grabs my hand that’s on my mixer, pulling me close to her and gripping both of my shoulders. I brace myself for what’s coming. “I know the next two days are going to be hard for you, but you’re the strongest woman I know and have bigger balls than any man I know.” I let out a weak laugh. “If anyone can get through this, it’s you.” She pulls me in for a hug and I let her. At least she didn’t mention he who shall not be named. “He’s just as miserable as you are.” Damn it. So close.

“Juls, don’t.”

“Well at least he was. I haven’t heard anything for a while. Apparently he’s slammed at work.”

“I don’t give a shit!” I push away from her and begin ripping open my bags of flour. “He’s miserable? Doubt it. I’m sure he’s sticking his dick into every whore in the South Side zip code as we speak.” My voice breaks at the end and I struggle to hold back my tears, but they’ve been on reserve lately and are never far away. Her arms wrap around my back and she sighs heavily.

“I’m sorry, sweets. I’m gonna head out but will see you tonight at Clancy’s right?” I nod and sniff loudly as she plants a quick kiss on my back before she exits the shop.

I take a minute to dry my tears before I start mixing up the ingredients for the almond lemon cake. God I couldn’t wait to start drinking tonight. If I don’t show up hung-over to the rehearsal tomorrow, it will surely be a wedding miracle.


Clancy’s is packed but I manage to spot Joey, Juls, and Brooke propped up at a round table by the bar. I shimmy my way through the crowd and receive very alcohol induced greetings from all three of them.

“Dylan. Fuck yes! I’m heading to the bar. What do you want?” Brooke asks as she stumbles off her stool. “I’m good, I’m good. Good,” she turns and says to whoever is watching her. Well, drunken Brooke didn’t take long to come out and play.

I try to stiffen my laugh. “Whatever you’re having sounds good.”

“No,” Joey and Juls say together quickly.

“Oh. Uh okay, glass of Pinot then?”

Brooke spins towards the bar as I eye up the other two. “Why don’t I want to drink what she’s having?”

“Because I’m pretty sure she’s drinking straight jet fuel,” Joey barks around his beer. “She’s completely out of control and I’m in charge of babysitting her for some stupid reason.” He narrows his eyes at Juls. “I’m letting it slide this one time since you’re getting married in two days.”

“Love you,” she replies as she blows him a kiss. “After you get your drink, Dyl, we’re hitting the dance floor.” I nod and glance down at her phone that is lighting up on the table.

“Hey, husband to be. Oh just drinking and dancing. What are you boys doing? If you say strip club I’m finding myself another groom while I’m here.” She takes a sip of her drink and smiles around her straw as Brooke returns miraculously without spilling anything.

“Here you go, Dylan. By the way, the bartender asked for your number.” I glance around her as Joey whips his head in the same direction. The big bald bartender sends a wink my way.

“Uh, no thanks.” I take a generous sip of my wine.

“Seriously, like he’d ever stand a chance with you. He’s more your type isn’t he, Brooke?”

“Fuck you, Joey. You’ve been on my ass all night. What’s your problem? Billy holding out on you?”

“Please. I get laid way more than you do. Tell me, has your virginity grown back yet?”

“Jesus Christ, Joey,” I bark and try not to crack up laughing at poor Brooke’s expense. She isn’t the only person at this table not getting laid. He merely shrugs his shoulders and glances towards the dance floor.

“So, Dylan, isn’t tomorrow going to be insanely awkward for you?” I glare directly at her and suddenly wish I wouldn’t have just come to her defense. Brooke Wicks and alcohol do not mix well. She talks a lot of shit and then ends up passing out or throwing up all over the place. Not a good look for anybody.

I brush my hair off my shoulders. “No, Brooke, I’m not expecting it to be awkward at all. In fact, I can’t f**king wait to have a reunion with ex-fling. It’s not like things ended badly between us or anything.” My voice is thick with sarcasm but given her current state, she probably won’t pick it up. How much has she had to drink?