Silently, we return our skates and climb back into my car.
Inside my car, with the heater on full blast and hot chocolate in our hands, I shift in my seat to look at her.
She giggles. “That was so much fun!” She removes the cups from our hands to place them in the cupholder, then throws her arms around my neck and presses her cold lips to mine. My hands find her small waist, bringing her body as close to mine as I can despite our position. With my eyes closed, I return every delicious kiss, devouring her mouth, willing myself to commit her lips and touch to memory.
I pull back and carefully brush the hair away from her face. “I’m glad you had fun. Are you hungry?” She nods. Of course, she is. The girl can outeat me any day. I love that about her. She never tries to be someone she's not and never tries to fit into the smallest size like all the other girls at school.
“Let’s get some lunch, and then we’re going to the lighthouse.” Since the snow began last week, it’s been too cold to go to the lighthouse, so we’ve stayed at either her house or mine. Yesterday, I was able to get a couple of heaters so that we’d be able to spend time there without freezing ourselves to death.
Cam pecks my cheek before settling back into her seat and buckling her seatbelt across her chest. “Let’s go. I’m starving.” I follow suit by putting on my own seatbelt and driving us toward our favorite diner, which is nearby.
After scarfing down burgers,fries, and milkshakes, we’re now en route to the lighthouse. I’ve never seen Cam eat so quick before, but she is dead set on getting to the lighthouse soon so we can make out for a while before we have to leave to get back home. With the snow only getting worse, it likely won’t be long before our parents call and want us to return home.
Once we finally make it to the lighthouse, I’m quick to unlock the door and rush inside to turn on the heaters that I’d brought over earlier. Between both heaters and our bodies, I know we’ll be able to keep each other plenty warm.
“It’s freezing!” Camille says through chattering teeth. I watch her sit down, remove her gloves, and wave her hands in front of the heater. I sit down behind her, pull her between my legs, and bring her back against my chest, wrapping my arms around her. She fits perfectly between my legs, and she’s exactly where she needs to be. I kiss the sensitive spot beneath her left ear that I learned was a huge turn-on for her.
Instantly I wonder if I slip my hand into her pants, will I find her wet? I’ve never touched her bare pussy before, but I’ve felt her over her cotton panties and know how wet she can get. Obviously, by now, I know what makes her wet and what fucking soaks her.
“Talk to me, Dean. You’ve had something on your mind all day.” She tilts her head back to look at me, and I press a kiss on her forehead with a sigh. She’s always been able to read me better than anyone.
“I’m sending in college applications soon,” I admit; the only response I get from her is a nod. “I’m applying to the University of Cambridge.” Camille goes still. Her breathing slows, and for a moment, I’m pretty sure she stops breathing altogether.
She’s silent for an extended period before a very long and very dramatic sigh escapes her parted pink lips. “I knew this was coming, but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t suck any less. I hope you get in. I really do.” I’ve told her about the University of Cambridge in the past. She knows it’s my dream school for architecture. And Camille being Camille would only ever want the best for me.
Her body shifts in my lap until she’s facing me, and her arms are wrapped around my neck. “You want to marry me, right? So, what’ll happen when you go to college?”
I think for a long silent moment, wrapping my arms around her waist to bring her closer to me.
What will happen?
I will be thousands of miles away and will be gone for four years. A lot can happen in four years. By the time I graduate college, she’ll just be really getting the swing of things at her own college. I’ll be twenty-two, and she’ll be nineteen.
We haven’t been apart from each other much. We’ve been practically glued to the hip since we were eight and eleven years old.
I don’t want to make her wait for me. That’s selfish and unrealistic, but dammit, I sure as fuck don’t want anyone else trying to slip their way in to take my place.
“Let’s make a promise to each other right now.” I sigh. “By the time I finish my degree, you’ll just be completing your first year of college, and I want you to have the whole high school and college experience. So, we’ll go to school, and when you graduate, I’ll find you, and we’ll start our life together.”
“What the fuck kind of idea is that?!” she snaps, her green eyes practically shooting daggers at me from the glare she’s giving me. I hide my laugh. It’s not often I hear her curse, but it humors me greatly when I do.
“Seven years. You’ll have your degree by then, and I’ll be able to start my design firm.”
“Are you high? I’m pretty sure you’ve been smoking crack.”
I frown. Seven years is a long fucking time. I’d never be able to even make it seven days. But I’m doing this for her. I can’t hold her back from anything. She’s fifteen. She’s so fucking young and has the rest of her high school and college years ahead of her. I don’t want her sitting around waiting for me, not experiencing life because of me. I want her to take life by the fucking balls and make it her bitch.
“Cam, you’re too young to sit around waiting for me. Go to parties, get drunk, do things you might regret, and make new friends. Be young and have fun. I will not allow you to spend any time sitting at home counting down the days until I return.” I press my forehead against hers. “I love you so fucking much, and it’s because I love you that I’m letting you go. I want you to live.”
“No, nope, no way!” She pulls back, jumps to her feet, and paces around the room. “What are we supposed to do for the next seven years? Write to each other? Call when you have time? Do I forget about you until hopefully one day you come back to me?!” she yells, furiously shaking her head, and I can see the unshed tears that are glistening in her bright green eyes. “You’re an even bigger idiot than I thought if you think I’m going to follow your dumb-ass plan.”
“What’s your plan, then? Huh? I have four years of college ahead of me, and you’re about to be sophomore in high school.” I can’t blame her for being angry. I’m springing this absurd idea on her at the spur of the moment. She hasn’t had time to process like I have. I’ve been thinking about this for weeks. I’ve prepared myself and thought about every single possible option. I stand, extending my arms out toward her, hoping to try and calm my little spitfire.
“You’re a coward. You want to date other girls.Youare the one who wants to experience college life and parties and fuck random bitches. This isn’t about me. This is about you!” she yells, stabbing my chest with her index finger with each word.
I scoff. “It’s about both of us. This will be good for us both!” I sigh, taking a deep breath to calm myself. The last thing I need to do is yell at her when she’s upset. The truth is, I want to experience youth and college life just as much as I know she does. We’re so consumed by each other, and it’s not fair to either one of us to sit around.
Anything can happen.