Page 55 of Our Way Back

“Last I checked, it’s a free lunchroom. I can go anywhere I like.” I cross my arms over my chest. I don’t need this crap from Sadie on the first day of school.

“Yeah, and I can sit anywhere I like, too.” She slips down from the table and sits on Dean’s lap, looking me right in the eye with a smirk. “Isn’t that right, Dean?”

“Fuck off, Sadie.” He stands, letting her boney ass fall straight to the ground. Instant laughter rumbles from those who witness her fall.

“You weren’t saying that over the summer when I was sucking your dick!” she yells. The laughter stops, and the entire cafeteria falls silent.

With an annoyed laugh, Dean looks at her. “We both know that’s not true. Don’t flatter yourself.” She stands and brushes herself off, flipping her stupid blonde hair over her shoulder. She’s red with embarrassment, clearly not expecting Dean to out her lie to the entire school.

“Fuck you, Dean. Go run off with your stupid child slut!”

Spencer jumps to her feet in two seconds and is in Sadie’s face.

“Talk about my sister like that again, and I’ll kick your ass myself. And you can stop lying now. We all know that Dean never fucked you.” Before I have a chance to hear her comeback, Dean takes my hand and pulls me out of the lunchroom.

We walk down the empty hall toward the janitor's closet, and the second we step inside, he pushes me up against the wall, and his lips find mine in the darkness.

“Let’s go to the lighthouse tonight,” he whispers against my lips. With my hands on his hips, I nod, laughing when I realize that he can’t even see me.

“Okay,” I mumble, connecting my lips with his again. His kiss is different from usual; it’s aggressive and hungry.

With a groan, Dean pulls away, leaving my lips raw and swollen.

* * *

The remainderof the day goes by in a blur.

Spencer has cheer practice after, and Dean had to stay after school, so Mom picks me up and brings me home. Since it was the first day, there is no homework, which is great considering I can’t wait to get home and prepare to see Dean later at the lighthouse.

Holy crap. I really am overly obsessed with him.

Is this what all girls experience when they have their first boyfriend? Well, I don’t have my first boyfriend since we aren’t dating, not yet at least. And the more I think about it, that won’t happen for a very long time.

I’m allowed to date when I’m sixteen, but Dean will already be away at college by then. I won’t have my first boyfriend for God knows how long.

Ugh. I’m such a loser.

With that realization, I flop onto my bed and bury my face into my pillow, groaning when a knock sounds at my door.

“Go away!” I grumble, muffled by my pillow. Hearing a knock again, I remove the pillow from my face. “I said go away.” I turn over, lying on my back.

The door creaks open. “Dean’s downstairs with Dad. He said he’s picking you up,” my mom says, and I groan.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen at school?”

“No, I just realized that I’ll never have a boyfriend.”

She laughs. “Don’t be so dramatic, Camille. When you're older, you will have a boyfriend. For now, focus on school and getting good grades." I sit up with a sigh and roll my green eyes.

"Mom, I always get good grades. Dean graduates this year, so I don't understand why you can't make a special exception and let us be together. Spencer gets to date! She was dating before she was sixteen."

Mom enters my room and sits beside me on my bed. "Sweetie, Dean is too old for you. Your father and I don't mind you two being friends and hanging out, but you're too young for a relationship."

"If you think he's too old for me, why do you let us hang out? He's downstairs to pick me up right now!"

"We trust him and always know where you two are. He told me that you had a bad day at school, so he's taking you for ice cream, and you'll be home by curfew. Sweetheart, Dean thinks of you as a little sister and watches out for you, just like Spencer." She pats my head.

My cheeks are heated, and I hope she can't see the guilt on my face. Dean isn't taking me for ice cream, and if she only knew what goes on between us, she'd forbid us from seeing each other.