Page 58 of Our Way Back

Declan trails his lips to my neck, and I sigh, giving in to his touch. “I need to finish getting ready,” I protest weakly, making no attempt to leave. His other arm wraps around my waist, holding me back against his chest.

“Give me five minutes. We both need this,” he breathes against my neck, his lips trailing over every bare part of skin he can reach from our position. Without warning, Declan slams two fingers inside me and pumps his hand, his thumb strumming my sensitive clit.

Thankfully, I'm already wet, making it easier for him to strum my clit and glide between my legs.

We’ve been fucking like jackrabbits ever since he came home. Five minutes into a conversation, we end up naked and going at it like a couple of horny teenagers.

We fuck because we have nothing to say to each other. We don’t do much talking; we fuck. I know it’s unhealthy, and using each other for pleasure will not solve any issues, but it’s all we’ve got right now.

Declan pulls his hand away, sucks his fingers into his mouth, bends me over the stool in the closet, and stretches my pussy with his glorious cock when he enters me in one rough thrust.

“Fuck, baby girl. I have missed your tight pussy so much,” he grunts, reaching an arm around to play with my clit.

After an orgasm that leaves me sated and limp, Declan dresses and then leaves without a word. He’s never had the best aftercare, but I don’t mind. I prefer not to do much speaking anyway.

Luckily, his great cock makes up for the fact I have to take care of myself. At least I’m able to orgasm. Most guys don’t even care if women get off. They only care about themselves. Declan isn’t like that; he always makes sure I orgasm before he reaches his own. But after that, he pulls out and doesn’t care about me. Like I’m a stranger that gave him a quick fuck rather than his wife.

I use a T-shirt to clean between my legs and toss it into the hamper before sliding on my panties and dressing, opting for the red dress.

I stand in the bathroom finishing my makeup when my phone beeps with a new text.

Dean: We can cancel dinner if you’re not up for it anymore.

Dean: Call Karina and cancel dinner.

Dean: I can’t do it.

Dean: I’m serious, Camille.

Dean: Cancel dinner.

Dean: Now.

Dean: Fucking cancel it.

Dean: Please.

With a sigh,I delete the thread of messages and send a text to Karina.

Me:We’re on our way. See you soon.

Karina: Yay! I’m so excited!

Thirty minutes later,we arrive at Mio’s, a popular new Italian restaurant. Declan is wearing sunglasses and keeps his head down, even though it’s seven o’clock at night, and the sun is long gone.

He must always take precautions wherever he goes, or else someone may recognize him and draw attention.

Luckily for us, no one recognizes him, at least not until we walk into the restaurant and are seated.

He removes his sunglasses just as the waitress comes over to us to get our drink order. Her young face instantly lights up with recognition. Thank fuck she's professional and doesn't say a word.

Declan gives her a knowing wink.

We order our drinks, water for me and coke for him. I want to get alcohol, I need something to take the edge off, but I can't with Dec around. Unfortunately, I'm out of my magic pills, so I can't even rely on those to make me feel better.

Minutes later, Dean and Karina walk in side by side, hand in hand.

We exchange quick greetings, and then they take their place across the table from us.