Page 98 of Dollhouse

“I will later, I’m with Mom right now.” I knew talking back was a bad idea. He always punished me for it. He used to punish Mom, but ever since she got sick, I’d been the one he took his anger out on.

I should’ve seen it coming, but I was too focused on my mom that I didn’t pay him any attention until I felt his grip on my ear and he pulled me away from the bed and Mom. Hissing in pain, I narrowed my eyes at him. He threw me to the floor and stepped inside the room, closing and locking the door.

“I love you, Mom!” I yelled through the door, knowing in my heart that’s the last time I would ever see her. I angrily wiped the tears away from my face, cussing at him under my breath for stealing my last few moments with my mom.

* * *

I wasoutside sweeping the porch when Steven stepped outside and stared me down. “Your Mom’s gone. She’ll be cremated in two days.” I already knew she was gone, but that didn’t make it any less painful.

She wanted to be cremated, so I’m glad that he’s at least going to honor that final wish of hers. I knew he wouldn’t give her a memorial, but at least I’d be able to take her ashes and spread them where she wanted to be spread.

“You didn’t even let me say goodbye,” I muttered.

“What the fuck did you say, boy?”

I threw the broom against the side of the house, suddenly feeling courage to stand up against him. “I said, you didn’t let me fucking say goodbye!” He punched me square in the face, and I fell to the ground, holding my bloody nose in my hands.

“What have I been telling you all these years, boy? Women make you weak. Love makes you weak. And you, you are fucking weak! It’s time you man the fuck up.” So he did what he often did when he felt I was being too weak. He locked me in the cellar for days until he thought I learned my lesson.

According to Steven, love isn’t real, it only makes you weak. And all women are temptresses only sent here to make men weak.

* * *

Ro’s voicebrings me out of the memory I lost myself in. That seems to keep happening ever since Tate entered our life.

Love isn’t real, it only makes you weak.

All women are temptresses only sent here to make men weak.

I repeat my father’s words in my head over and over again until I feel disconnected from my emotions.

Right now, I’m feeling nothing.

I’ll go through the motions of trying to set Tate free for Rowen and King’s sake, but she’s a lost cause. I know that just from looking at her. She’s not dead yet, but she will be soon.

She’s a weakness that we can’t afford. And we have to let go of our weaknesses, no matter how much it may hurt in the beginning.

“Tate!” I shove past Eli’s rigid posture and rush toward my girl, my butterfly.

She’s laying on her back, her eyes closed, and her body still and unmoving.

I drop to my knees and take her into my arms, not minding that she’s dirty.

She’s absolutely fucking filthy, and her once white dress is covered in gunk. There are multiple stains on her dress, and it fuels my anger even more to see the condition she’s in. Her body is cold, so fucking cold.

I try to pull her closer to my chest, but there’s resistance. That’s when I notice the chain that’s around her ankle.

She’s chained like a fucking animal.

“Eli!’ I snap, and that seems to be enough to make him snap out of his stupor and realize the situation. He rushes into the room and kneels in front of me, his hands brushing back the matted locks of black hair that are disgustingly tangled on her head. A soft groan leaves her pale blue lips, her eyelids fluttering open slowly, and ice-cold turquoise eyes stare at me, stealing the air from my lungs.

“Fuck you,” she whispers in such a broken voice that it causes my heart to ache. A chuckle rumbles out of my chest.

“Don’t worry, butterfly. I will once we get you home.” She groans in response. My hand strokes over her perfect face, and my heart literally fucking aches seeing her so frail and fragile.

“You came for me.” Her voice is only a mere whisper.

“I’ll always come for you. Literally.” I place my forehead against hers, keeping my arms securely around her fragile body, trying to warm her up.