Someone is home, and whoever it is, they’re expecting us.
We’ve parked our car down the street. The three of us, plus Nico and Vlad drove together. The others are waiting ten minutes before they arrive. We want the unknown fuck to believe that we’re alone for as long as possible. We want to have the element of surprise when he finds out that we have backup.
It’s nearing midnight, it’s so dark that I can barely see my hand in front of my face. There are no streetlights, and it’s pretty eerie out here.
As we walk up the small hill leading toward the house, the porch light is enough to illuminate our way toward the house. Nico, Vlad, and Rowen went around to the back of the house while King and I went right up to the front door.
As if the fucker were watching us and knew we were there, the door swings open and, in the doorway, stood none other than Tyson Holbrooke himself.
I recognize his ugly face instantly from his DMV photo.
I resist the urge to punch him right in his fucking face and demand answers from him. There is something in his brown eyes that I didn’t expect to see.
“He’s been expecting you, come in.” I look at King and he has a knowing look on his face. He saw exactly what I did on the bastard’s face. Pure fear. But from what? It’s more than just fear from us being at his front door.
I walk in first and King follows behind me, we’re both on high alert, our eyes scanning our surroundings and watching each other’s backs.
Tyson gives us his back as he leads us further into the house, and we follow.
The house looks like your typical bachelor pad. It’s bare, and only semi clean. It smells musty and I wonder when the last time the house has had a deep clean.
It could sure as fuck use it.
He leads us down a long hallway until we reach a door at the end.
He opens it, and that’s when I put my foot down.
“It’s time to talk. Where the fuck is she?” I ask through gritted teeth.
“Please, he needs you downstairs.” There’s no way we’re going into his guy’s basement without any fucking explanation.
“You need to provide us answers first.”
“Fuck this,” King growls, grabs his gun from his waistband and shoves it right in the middle of Tyson’s forehead. “Where the fuck is she? We know you’re involved. Where is she!”
“Please, he’ll kill my sister if you don’t comply.” Fuck. He’s innocent in this. Well, not entirely innocent, but he wasn’t doing this of his own free will. He was being threatened.
“I don’t give a fuck; it should be me you’re worried about. I’ll kill you right fucking now if you don’t tell me where she is.” King wasn’t playing around, and I knew he would kill him before we got any answers which wasn’t a smart idea.
“She’s downstairs, go down and do as he says. Please, my sister is pregnant.” King lowers his gun and places it back in the waistband at his back.
He yanks the door open further and stomps down the stairs.
“Go.” I grabbed my own gun and held it in my right hand, following Tyson down into the darkness of the basement.
We reach the bottom and are met with another door. He opens it and we all three step inside, the steel door automatically slammed shut and we could hear the click of a lock.
What the fuck? Where the fuck are we?
The walls are cement and I swear it just dropped ten degrees. Even with a hoodie on I could feel the chill.
It’s like we’re in a cemented fucking box with a cold AC blowing.
The hallway is long, and a few plain doors can be seen.
“We’re here, now where the fuck is she?” I shove the barrel of my gun against the back of Tyson’s skull, just as I feel the cold barrel of a gun being placed against the back of my neck, watching as King draws his own gun and aims it at the fuck behind me who dared to pull a gun on me.