Page 82 of Dollhouse

Nothing like you’d ever expect.

My three guys climb out first then Rowen turns to help me out. He and Eli are by my side while King stands behind me, watching our backs and watching for threats.

Rowen slides open the large metal door, instantly revealing a set of stairs that Eli leads us up. The further we walk into the building the louder the music becomes.

They must have great soundproof walls, because I couldn’t hear anything from outside.

The club is nearly pitch black, a faint yellow glow comes from each step to show us the steps, so we don’t fall, and I have to watch exactly where I step, meanwhile my guys walk like pros.

They probably own this club too and have been here a few dozen times. I can hardly walk in the near darkness.

We reach the top of the stairs and there stands two very large men dressed in all black, I’m guessing they’re the bouncers.

Instant recognition sparks on their faces when they see my guys. They waste no time sliding open another metal door that reveals a second set of stairs, this time the stairs are going down.

The stairs lead us down into the main floor of the club where all the people are. The music is loud, the floor packed, and the lights are low but enough that I can see.

We stand in the middle of the crowd and my white dress is lit up like a glow stick.

Neon lights.

I look at King with a smirk. I look around, seeing many others wearing white and glowing.

“Come on, let’s get some drinks.” Rowen grabs my hand, pulling me through the crowd. I turn my head to look behind me to see that King and Eli aren’t following behind. I’m curious, but it’s too loud to question it right now.

Rowen leads me up another small set of stairs that lead toward what I assume is a VIP section. I take a seat on the plush red sofa, my eyes staring down at the party beneath us, hoping I’ll see my two guys.

“Relax, they’ll join us soon.” He places a hand on my thigh just as a redhead waitress wearing black leather shorts and a bedazzled bra appears by our side, unloading her tray of drinks on the table.

She doesn’t speak, but I didn’t like the smirk she gives Rowen either.

I know he’s hot, but back off, bitch, he’s mine.I wanted to yell, feeling a little more territorial than I’d like to admit. I was never the jealous type, at least I thought that I wasn’t, until now it seems.

The redhead pulls back the sheer curtains, giving us the smallest amount of privacy, and I relax against his side. He leans forward, picks up two of the shot glasses from the table and places one in my hand. Smiling at him, I take it.

If tonight really is about getting out of the house and having a good time, I am all for it.

“Cheers.” We clink our glasses against each other, and both throw back the contents.


I welcome the warmth that instantly fills my stomach.

“Do you own this club too?” I ask, reaching for the crystal decanter on the table in front of us, filling my glass with more of the amber liquid.

“We do, yes. It’s a newer investment. We don’t come here nearly as much as we visit Sinners.” I bring the glass to my lips and tip my head back, swallowing the warming liquid.

Rowen spreads his legs and pulls me to sit on his lap, his hands pulling my dress up to my waist as he guides my legs to wrap around his.

I lean back against his chest, my core completely open with my dress around my waist. “What are you doing?” I ask breathlessly, his fingertips ghosting over the thin material of panties that cover my already aching core.

“You know what I’m doing.”


I move my head to the side and let it fall back against his shoulder as he cups my pussy through my panties.

“Is it turning you on being like this in public?” His hand finds its way inside of my panties and without warning he shoves two fingers inside of me. A satisfied moan leaves my lips, my hips rolling forward against his hand as he begins pumping his fingers in and out of me slowly.