“Do you really think that you failed at protecting me?”
“Yes, I do. Look at what happened with Greg. I didn’t protect you from him, then you ended up married to someone who abused you. You went from one abusive situation to the next.”
“Stop! You’re not going to wallow in a self-pity party. You protected me! Nothing that has ever happened has been your fault. You saved me from Greg, and you’re saving me now.” I can tell he doesn’t believe me, so I take a deep breath and continue, “That night, Greg came into my room… he was going to rape me, and you stopped him. You were a victim too. He forced you to have sex with me.”
“Rape you. He forced me to rape you,” he snaps, looking at me in disgust and stepping away from me. I am not letting him get off that easily, so I take a step closer toward him.
“He was going to rape me, and you stopped him. He forced us both to have sex. And if you want to say that you raped me, then fine, but I raped you too because I was also equally involved.” I sigh, taking his hands in mine. “Did it hurt? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Was I happy it was you and not him? Yes, a thousand times yes. I was so grateful that you stepped in and did those things to me instead of him.”
“Those things should’ve never fucking happened, Tate! I failed you!” he roars, backing further away from me.
“None of those things should’ve happened, but they fucking did! I don’t blame you. You kept me safe from him, and you saved me from him.” I can hear footsteps in the background but pay no mind to it.
“Everything okay?” King wraps his arms around me from behind, kissing my cheek, and I nod.
“I’m fine, but Rowen is being a fucking baby.” With a frown, I look over my shoulder back at King, and when I turn back around, Rowen has already stormed off, and I hang my head in defeat.
It’s been thirteen years, and I had no idea he still blamed himself for everything that happened all those years ago.
I’m aware it’s probably fucked up to think he did me a favor, but I honestly believe he did.
“Give him time. He blames himself for everything that happened to you,” Eli says from where he’s standing on the stairs. He came right toward me and presses a kiss to my forehead. “We’re leaving, we’ll be back later.” I stay silent, watching him and King walk to the elevator and disappear when the metal doors close.
Give him time? Fuck that.
We were both victims to our foster father’s obsession with kiddie porn and needing to record us for his and his perverted friends’ pleasure.
I was ten years old when Rowen saved me from Greg attempting to rape me. He’d heard my screams and came into my bedroom, and that’s when Greg forced him to have sex with me instead. We were young and virgins. We were both victims of that sick fuck, not just me.
It was either Greg or Rowen, and in my young mind, it was a no-brainer.
Was I ready to have sex at that age? Fuck no.
Was I glad it was Rowen? Yes. I’ve never once regretted my choice to have Rowen instead of Greg.
I wish Rowen could see himself the way I see him as my savior.
If I don’t blame him, he shouldn’t blame himself either.
He’s not getting off that easily.
With a deep breath, I decide to confront him.
I’ve just taken off my shirt to prepare for a shower when my bedroom door flies open and smacks against the wall, likely putting a dent in it from the force.
Tate stands in the doorframe with a determined look on her face and her fists balled at her sides.
Fuck, she’s a woman on a mission.
I allow myself to appreciate her beauty for two seconds before I look away from her with a defeated sigh.
“You killed him to save me, yet you still don’t think that you protected me.” I look everywhere but at her. “Rowen! You killed for me!” Her voice booms, and finally, I let my eyes connect with hers. My lips curl down in a frown as I become wrapped up in the memory of the last time I saw Lee… thirteen years ago.
* * *
“No! Stop! Please!”Lee was screaming, begging him to stop hitting her. I knew he was whipping her with the belt because I could hear it whooshing in the air before it snapped against her skin, causing her to cry out even louder.
Lee’s caseworker came over today.