I can hear my father’s words playing on repeat in my head. Hearing his gravelly voice so clearly sends a shiver down my spine.
I’d be a fool to allow myself to be weak again and fall for another woman. I know what happens when you let your guard down and allow a woman to become your weakness.
“She’s a weakness and any woman who makes you weak must be eliminated.”
“Do it, son. Pull the trigger and eliminate the distraction.”
My father’s voice has been playing on repeat in my mind more often these days. I should be listening and staying away from Tate the temptress. I know I should, but instead, I’m looking for any way to put a smile on her face.
I’m standing in one of the once empty rooms in the basement with a boyish grin spread across my face as I put the finishing touches on the studio.
King had told me about Tate and her love of ballet and that she used to be a dancer. That’s where I got the idea to turn one of our empty rooms into a studio for her. I had to pay triple the regular cost to have it finished so quickly, but it was worth every single penny.
Two of the walls are painted a light cotton candy pink, and the other two walls are covered with floor-to-ceiling mirrors with a ballet barre mounted along them. The wooden maple floors are newly polished, and in the corner of the room is a media station so she’ll be able to turn music on while she dances. The room is perfect, and I can’t wait to see the smile it’ll bring to her face.
She’s so beautiful when she smiles, and I’m like a giddy boy waiting to see her smile and know that I’m the reason for it.
* * *
When I enterRo’s makeshift hospital room, I see he’s asleep and Tate’s small body is curled up uncomfortably in the chair beside his bed. It’s seven and already dark out, and once again she’s been down here all day.
Walking toward her, I gently brush my fingertips along her smooth cheek. She wakes with a start, her hand gripping mine firmly, her eyes flying open and landing on me.
“It’s okay, it’s just me.” I kneel in front of her, watching as she rubs the sleep from her eyes and slowly sits up. “Come with me. I have something to show you.” I take her small hand in mine and stand, pulling her up with me.
She’s silent as I lead her out of the room and down to the basement. The only time she makes a noise is the soft yawns that she lets out. I know she’s exhausted, and the bags underneath her eyes are the telltale indicators as well. She sleeps in that uncomfortable chair in Rowen’s room, and I know she likely isn’t getting much sleep in it.
“Where are you taking me?” she finally asks as we approach the basement.
“I have something to show you. Close your eyes.” She rolls her blue eyes before she decides to obey and closes them.
“Keep them closed until I tell you to open.” She nods, and I lead her through the basement gym and into the area that I turned into her studio. With a bright smile on my face, I turn on the lights and lead her into the middle of the room. “Open your eyes,” I say, suddenly nervous about her reaction.
Tate’s eyes open slowly, and I watch as they widen and she takes in the sight of the studio. Her studio. “Oh my God,” she gasps, covering her mouth with her hands, walking in circles around the room. “Oh my God, Eli.” Her hands are shaking, her eyes are becoming glossy. “You… you did this… for me?” She sucks in a gasp of air as the first tear falls down her smooth cheek.
I nod, watching the soft rise and fall of her perfect chest. I walk to the storage shelf and pick up the shoe box, walking back toward her and extending the box. She looks at me through her thick wet eyelashes for a moment before she takes the shoe box with shaky hands and opens it, carefully taking out the brand-new pointe ballet shoes.
“Why did you do this, Eli?” she asks, hugging the shoes to her chest.
That was a great question, why did I do it? I didn’t have to do it, especially when she is a nobody.
She’s nothing to me.
I’ve known her for less than a week, yet here I am, going out of my way to do something kind for her.
You’re becoming weak. You’re allowing some piece of pussy to control your feelings.
I shake away the voice in my head, not wanting it to be right. I’m doing something nice for someone that means a lot to my brother. That’s it.
At least, I hope.
“Consider it a thank you for saving mine and Ro’s life. You shot one of the guys that ambushed us when I didn’t see him approaching.”
She studies my face for a silent moment. “Thank you, thank you so much. No one has ever done anything like this for me before.” She wipes her tears away and rewards me with the smile that I was waiting for.
The simple smile that curls on her lips is enough to brighten anyone’s day.