Page 17 of Dollhouse

“It’s okay, my little butterfly,” a second voice whispers in my ear, rough fingertips tracing over the butterfly tattoo on the back of my left shoulder. I still and tense in his grip, his hand flattening over my stomach as he holds me securely on his lap. I wriggle, hoping he’ll loosen his grip on me or set me down on the seat.

No chance. Instead, his grip tightens, and a low growl leaves his throat that shoots fire straight to my traitorous core.

“Stop doing that, butterfly. Now’s not the time.” He raises his hips against my ass, and I can feel the bulge that’s growing underneath me. This bastard is getting hard. I’ve been kidnapped and have a sack over my head, and this bastard is getting hard at my unfortunate situation.

Motherfucker. I will set myself free and claw his fucking eyes out. But first, I need to see. I need to take in my surroundings and know what I’m up against. I may be small, but I can fight.

The rest of the drive is quiet. I don’t know how many men are in the car, but they keep silent and so do I.

I should be fighting, screaming, asking questions, but I don’t do a damn thing. Instead of struggling and trying to break free like I should do, I sit perfectly still on a stranger’s lap and fucking enjoy the feel of a warm body beneath me. Call me crazy, but I felt comfortable having his arms wrapped around me.

This man is my captor, and yet I’m not afraid. Yeah, I’m definitely fucked up. I make a mental note to call my therapist after I’m freed.

I don’t know how long we drive for, but eventually we come to an unpaved road. I can hear snaps and pops underneath the tires as we drive over the rocks and whatever else we come across along the bumpy road. The car comes to a stop and the engine cuts out. “Are you scared, butterfly?” His voice makes me shiver, but I don’t think I’m shivering in fear. In fact, it’s for an entirely different reason. I’m unafraid as his fingertips lightly trail up and down my arms in slow and steady strokes.

I suck in a deep breath, willing my nerves to calm and shake my head. “No,” I answer, unsure if I’m telling the truth or not.

I feel the rumble of his chest against my back when he lets out a silent chuckle. “You should be. We’re going to have fun.” There’s a dark, sinister promise in his words, and again I don’t know if I’m shivering with fear or excitement.

I’m shifted, and then the cold air touches my skin again. We’re outside. But where?

The man, whose lap I’d been sitting on, carries me bridal style in his strong arms. On instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck.

“I’ll kick your ass if you drop me,” I warn when he begins walking, rocks crunching underneath his steps, and I can hear the footsteps of whoever else is with us. I realize there is at least one other man besides the one carrying me, but I wasn’t certain exactly how many there were in total.

The man carrying me laughs beautifully. It was fucking music to my ears and was equal parts manly and sexy. And fuck me for squeezing my thighs together at the sound.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” His tone lacks malice. It’s teasing, playful even. Instantly I relax in his grip. He isn’t going to hurt me. I am not certain about the other man or men, but the one holding me isn’t for sure, or so I hope.

He climbs a few stairs, then a door is unlocked by someone else and it creaks open. I’m aware of the presence of the person beside me, even if he doesn’t speak.

What the fuck is wrong with me that I don’t immediately ask questions or try to fight him off? I’m not as fragile as I may look. Sure, the one carrying me feels muscular, and I know he’d give me a run for my money, but I could at least hold my own for a while. Yes, I felt a very fucking strange sense of comfort in the car when he held me on his lap, but I’ve been lured into false senses of security before. No, this is different. I know that. I can feel it.

I’m battling with myself. Fight my kidnapper, or relish in the comfort of his arms and see where this leads and what he—what they—want from me. I choose option two. I can play the role of damsel in distress. I’ll play nice to get the answers I want.

We climb more stairs and I listen carefully for background noise, seeking any indication of where I am and wondering if I’ll hear any familiar voices. I can hear two sets of feet apart from the heavy steps of the macho man carrying me.

Okay, so I’m with at least three men. Great. Now how the hell am I going to get out of this, and what the fuck do they want?

Mystery guy number one sets me down on something plush. I spread my hands around me to get a feel of what I’m on.

It’s a bed.

Oh, fuck no.

If they kidnapped me thinking they could get some pussy just because I’m a stripper, they’re really fucking wrong. The thought pisses me off like never before.

“What the fuck do you want from me?!” I yell. I wasn’t as angry as I should’ve been when they kidnapped me. I wasn’t angry when we were in the car, but now that I’m on their fucking bed, I’m angry as all hell.

“Oh, so now she wants to speak and ask questions,” mystery man number I-don’t-know-who says, mocking me.

A hand brushes along my barely covered tits, and I freeze. My heart begins pounding in my chest and when the hand touches my skin again, I swat it away, blindly backing further onto the bed. The hand touches me again, this time grabbing onto my ankle and pulling me down to the edge of the bed.

“Get off me! Don’t you fucking dare touch me!” I scream, kicking at the fucker who’s trying to cop a feel. He grips onto my thighs and pins me down on the bed.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch you. I don’t fuck without consent.” It’s the same guy from the car who carried me. I can tell by his voice. His hands trail up my thighs and to the thin elastic band of my thong. “When I take you, you’ll be screaming for an entirely different reason.” I can hear the smugness in his voice. Despite my attempts to keep my knees together, he manages to successfully remove my panties. He doesn’t touch my exposed pussy that’s likely flashing him, and at that, I relax a little.

The bag over my head is removed quickly, and I blink a few times to adjust to the light.