She isn’t going anywhere. She’s staying with us for as long as we need, in our space, under our protection.
Yes, I want to protect her, but I don’t want to be close to her again. I can’t be close to her for a longer period of time.
Fuck. This won’t be as easy as I thought, and perhaps, I should’ve thought this through further before I jumped the gun and suggested it.
I’m battling too much with myself, going back and forth, uncertain of what to do and how to feel.
All I know is I might be fucked.
All logical thoughts fly out the door the moment she appears in my space.
Thirteen years later, and I’m still weak when it comes to her.
* * *
“Are you fucking serious?”I groan, closing my eyes and counting to ten in an attempt to ease some of my anger.
“Sorry, brother, I need King today.” Eli grips my shoulder and squeezes hard. He’d just informed me that he and King are going into the city, and I have to stay behind to babysit.
We couldn’t risk leaving Tate alone.
There’s nowhere for her to run to, and no one knows where our cabin is located, but we still can’t risk leaving her alone.
With an exasperated sigh, I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and walk into the living room where Tate and King are both lip-locked, swapping spit.
“We’ll be back, butterfly. Be good for Rowen,” King says, and her head turns toward me, her eyes narrowing.
She’s in a pair of leggings that does delicious things for her peachy ass, and a long sleeve sweater. It’s a little chilly—Eli did good with picking out the clothing for her. On her small feet, she’s wearing Chuck Taylor converse. This is the most relaxed she’s looked since she’s been here.
Do I want her to be relaxed and comfortable in my space? That’s yet to be decided.
“Do I have to stay here with him?” she whines, rolling her eyes.
“Trust me, princess. I’m not fond of being stuck here with you either. I’d rather shoot myself in the foot than be stuck babysitting your ass.”
“Can I be the one to shoot you?”
“Alright, children, that’s enough. We’re leaving, so please behave. We’ll be back later,” Eli comments, slipping his jacket on and leaving without another word.
King kisses her goodbye, then he leaves as well.
We face each other for several minutes even after we hear Eli’s car leave the driveway.
With a slow smirk, I turn away from her and find purchase in my beloved gym to let out my frustrations.
The door is unlocked.
Rowen forgot to lock the door after King and Eli left.
The fucking door is unlocked! I repeat,the fucking door is unlocked!
After they left, Rowen went down downstairs into the gym and played his music so loud that I can hear it from the living room where I’ve been sitting.
I was trying to concentrate on watching the TV, but the door kept calling my name, so I got up and checked the doorknob, sending a silent prayer that it would be unlocked.
My prayers were instantly answered because it is unlocked!
The doorknob turns, and with a deep breath, I jerk it open, suddenly triggering obnoxious beeping, but it blends in with Rowen’s loud music.