Page 62 of Raising Riker


Riker turned to see a blood soaked Gianni stumbling towards him in a panic. “Gia, Rourke? Dolly? I can’t find them, I can’t find them!”

“Jesus.” Prosper was suddenly by his side. He turned to Riker. “I got this. Go get them.”

“Where are they?!” Gianni yelled out in panicked exasperation.

“Riker’s got them locked up. They’re all safe and sound.” Prosper told him. Then he watched on in horror as blood continued to soak through Gianni’s shirt. Prosper shouted out, “Medic, I need a medic!!”

“Grazie Dio!”Gianni called out weakly, then he slumped to the floor.

Riker left Prosper to see to Gianni and continued at a run towards the bell tower. He forced himself to step over the bodies that lie strewn on the marble floor and was careful not to slip in the blood that had splattered and pooled everywhere.

Riker felt the phone buzz in his pocket.

He pulled out his cell and saw the text:

Gia:We heard the sirens

and we can’t hear the shots anymore.

Is it over?

Riker felt relief flood him. They were safe.

Was it over? Riker looked again at the blood soaked scene all around him.

Sadly, for some, it was over in the purest sense of the word.

Gia felt the tears flow unchecked down her cheeks as she prepared herself to say goodbye to Father Michael. He had died as he had lived, helping others. Father Mike had been shot twice in the chest during the slaughter at the church.

When Gia had stood with the rest of her immediate family and greeted the throngs of people who came to pay their final respects, she had been truly touched. The line for the viewing had circled the church and extended a mile into the rectory grounds. However, no sight had been as moving as the contingency of homeless who had kept vigil outside the church gates. They had stood in line all night to be the first to pay tribute to their beloved benefactor.

While the family had invited the public viewing with open arms, they had decided to make Father Mike’s burial a private matter.

The graveside mass was beautifully delivered by Arch Bishop Dinapolo whose very presence was a testament to the high esteem in which Father Michael was held.

Gianni Abruzzi, who was still recovering from a flesh wound, was inconsolable by the loss of his beloved friend and confidante. Unwilling to say a final goodbye, he stood by the casket while all the others retreated quietly to their cars. When Gia looked back, she saw that Dolly had also stayed behind. Now Gianni and Dolly stood closely together as if drawing comfort from one another. Gianni’s arm was wrapped around Dolly’s waist and her head was on his shoulder.

Gia sighed and managed a small smilesilver linings.

Riker juggled Rourke in one arm as he bent to open the door and place him in the car seat. He made sure his son was safely buckled in, then he took his seat behind the wheel.

He took one look at the thoughtful expression on his wife’s face and shook his head in disbelief.

“Really Gia?”


Riker nodded towards Gianni and Dolly. “What you’re looking at is shared grief. That’s all that is.”

Gia chewed on her lip thoughtfully. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Damn woman! We’re not five minutes gone from a burial service and you’re already plotting ways to play cupid. That just ain’t right.”

“I was not thinking that! Not at all” Gia was horrified that she had been caught.

Riker just looked at her and shook his head.