Page 55 of Raising Riker

Riker gave Gia a hard kiss on the mouth before letting her go. “Drive safe and be careful.”

“You be careful too, Riker.” She frowned at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t remember sooner.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. I’ll handle this.” Riker watched until Gia got into the truck and drove down to the gate. When he was satisfied that the prospect was following his instructions, Riker shook his head at the now empty stage.

Drummer, what the fuck have you done?

Riker headed straight for the clubhouse.

Hal and Reno had just started a game of pool and Jules was sitting at the bar watching the last few minutes of The World Cup on one of the oversized flat screens.

Jules lifted his chin to Riker, then leaned over the bar and set a cold beer on the counter next to him. “That was some weird shit, huh? Did you get Gia outa here?”

“Yeah. Guessing you did the same.?”

“Didn’t have to. Glory, Raine and Claire all came together and left together. They don’t stay too long anymore at these things anyway, but when that ass wipe pulled out his poor excuse for a cock? No damn way the girls were gonna stick around after that, and no way I was gonna let them. When a night starts like that, not telling how it might end.” Jules shook his head and took a long pull on his beer. “Fucking distasteful is what it is. Grown man whipping out his dick and pissing his own pants.”

Riker nodded. “I’m heading in to see the boss.”

Jules shook his head. “You’re gonna want to wait on that, brother. D is in there and he’s fit to be tied. He’s fucking had it with Drummer and he wants to use his executive privilege to take Drummer’s patch. The two of them are in there now discussing if we’re gonna put it to a vote, or just move on executive say- so. Don’t matter either way, there’s not a brother here that’s gonna vote to give Drummer a pass after that little show tonight. No one likes his stinky ass anyway.”

Riker walked over to the bar and grabbed a beer. He opened it and guzzled it half way down.

“Drummer acting like a lunatic on the stage a few minutes ago triggered a memory for Gia.”

“What kind of memory?”

“The kind that’s gonna get a man killed.”

Jules turned his full attention to Riker.

Riker gave Jules a hard look. “She saw him at the rest area out on Route 91. She says he was sitting at a picnic table with a federal agent when she stopped to use the bathroom.”

“Jesus.” Jules muttered. “A rest area. Rooster kidnapped Valentina from a rest area. What the hell is it with these women and rest stops? Why can’t they just piss at a goddamn gas station like everyone else?”

Riker nodded. “I hear ya brother. But I gotta tell you, my blood ran fucking cold when Gia told me. My first thought was he could have capped her right then and there.”

“Fucking Drummer. She know who the agent is? Got a name?”

“Gia said she recognized him ‘cause his hair is the color of gingerbread or some shit like that. He was one of the feds that raided the lake house.”

“That’ll be easy enough to find out.” Jules scrubbed a hand over the bottom of his face. “Anything else?”

“Afraid fucking so.”

“There was no way that Drummer had his colors on when he met the agent, so there was no way of Gia identifying him as a brother. And she hasn’t been around the club often enough to get to know anyone, except a few of the boys. Gia’s brain still ain’t clicking on all eight. She still gets real bad headaches and has problems remembering shit. But she’s getting better. And like I said, seeing that ass-clown making a goddamn fool out of himself triggered Gia’s memory in a way that hasn’t happened before.”

Here Riker paused. His jaw went rigid and his body tensed with barely controlled violence.

Jules looked at Riker, then surmised “That fucker caused the accident.”

“Drummer rode his Harley ride across the road in front of her.” Riker growled through clenched teeth. “Cock sucking motherfucker looked right at my woman then pulled out in front of that young kid driving that huge ass truck. The kid swerved to avoid Drummer, lost control and hit Gia instead.”

“Let’s go bring this to the boss.” Jules was already off the bar stool.

Just then, Daisy Zamboni, a Saints party whore, came screaming into clubhouse. Riker’s first thought was that she looked like one of those chicks from a zombie apocalypse movie. Except that instead of walking in that slow, jerky undead- sort of way, Daisy was running towards them and shrieking at ear splitting decibels. No one knew what the hell, she was saying but it was a miracle she was saying anything at all. Her clothes were torn and one of her eyes was beginning to swell shut. Her arm hung limply at her side and was twisted at an odd angle and there was a large bite mark on her shoulder. Worst of all was the way her face was all sliced up. She had bone deep cuts on either side of her mouth that curved up to her cheeks and formed a grotesque joker-like smile. Jules ran towards her with a pile of clean bar cloths just as Prosper and Diego came bounding through the door.

“What the fuck is goin….?” Prosper stopped dead in his tracks.