Page 27 of Raising Riker

“I’ve just started the implementation phase. Now that I’m in, I have to reconfigure the schematics and link the timing sequences. I can have most of it done within the next two weeks, but that’s working on it twenty-four seven. So if there’s anything else you want done, it’ll have to be placed on the backburner, yeah?”

“Agreed.” Prosper confirmed. “This takes priority over everything else.”

“Okay, then. I’d say two weeks, give or take a couple of days either way.” Jules told him.

Diego frowned.

“You got something to say?” Prosper asked.

“I was just thinking. The tri-state centennial is coming up this year. I saw the Governor on TV the other day talking it up. Gonna be all kinds of shit happening, food tents, hot air balloons, exhibitions. Every bordering state is having their own festival, and they’re all happening on the same weekend. Local law and state police gonna be busier than hell. Might be good if we could coincide the transport with that.”

Jules nodded. “You got a date on that, brother?”

“Yeah, it’s all happening the weekend of the fifteenth.” Diego pointed to the wall calendar.

“That gives us just under two weeks. Can you get everything done in time?

“Yeah. I can make it happen.” Jules said.

“So, we’re ready to roll out on the fifteenth then?” Prosper looked around the room.

“Yeah, no problem.” Gunner answered without hesitation. Then he grinned. “Fifteen is my lucky number.”

“Then it’s all good, brothers. Next few days are going to be real busy. We’re gonna drill and kill this thing until we’re sure we have it down.”

Riker nodded absently but didn’t say anything.

“Something on your mind, brother? You got a concern, now’s the time to voice it.”

Riker hesitated then scrubbed a hand over his face. “Nah. I’m good with the plan. One thing has nothing to do with the other.”

“Yeah? So, what’s the other?” Diego asked.

“The club still got that family lawyer on retainer?”

“Yeah. We do. As a matter of fact, he’s on his way over now, gonna help one of the boys with a custody dispute. Why you asking?” Prosper arched a bow.

“Cause I’m gonna need to talk to him.” Riker sighed.

When he walked in through the door, Gia was at the kitchen table folding a bunch of laundry. Riker’s relief at seeing her doing something so calm, mundane and domestic sent a relief through his body Then he saw the open suitcase on the chair next to her. It was half filled with the freshly folded and laundered clothes.

She was so intent on her task that she didn’t look up when he opened the door.

Either that or she was ignoring him.

“Hey, Gia.” Riker said softly.

“Hey, Riker.” Gia answered just as softly, but she stayed focused on the folding and packing.

Riker considered her for a moment and waited for her to raise her eyes to him. When it became obvious to him that she had no intention of further acknowledging him, Riker walked around the table and leaned toward her. His big body fenced her in between the table, the chair, the suitcase and himself. Gia stopped at first, her body going stock still as if waiting for the flight or fight response to kick in. Riker waited for it too. When she whirled from him and banged her knee hard against the chair, her balance faltered, and he was there to catch and steady her. But the motion sent the suitcase flying to the floor.

“Damn it!” Gia pulled away from him and looked down at the suitcase, then up at Riker. Hurt, anger and something else—something deeply visceral radiated out from her beautiful brown eyes. Riker dropped her arm but stayed where he was. She waved her hand at the splayed clothing lying between them on the floor. “You want to back off?”

Riker thought carefully about his next move.

“What are you doing, honey?” He kept his voice low and steady.

“Please, Riker, please just back away.” The pleading in her voice just about broke his heart. Then Gia let out a long fractured breath, as if releasing something pent-up and poisonous. “It’s getting hard enough for me to bend down as it is, with you this close it’s impossible.”