Page 21 of Raising Riker

“But didn’t?” Gia asked with hope.

“Nah, I got more respect than that.” Riker paced the floor. The heels of his boots pounding into the gleaming hardwood. “I need a beer.”

“It’s nine o’clock in the morning.” Gia frowned.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m gonna need a shot too.”

Gia quickly tugged on a pair of yoga pants and an oversized tee-shirt and followed Riker downstairs.

Gia stopped in the kitchen archway and watched as Riker tossed back a two finger shot of whiskey. Then he twisted open a beer and chugged down half of it before he turned to her.

“So, I’m guessing you guys talked about the baby?”

“Yeah. You could say that.” Riker pulled on his beer again.

“So? How did that go?” Gia felt her the back of her own shoulder blades bunch into a tight knot.

“He’s fine. It’s all good. Can’t wait to be a granddaddy and all that happy horseshit….”

“Okay, well that doesn’t sound so bad. I mean if he’s okay with the marriage and happy about the baby…”

“Gia. You wanna let me fucking finish?” Riker snarled at her.

Gia lifted her nose at him.

“I’m all ears.”

“Fucker’s insisting on putting a wad of money into my bank account.” Riker’s eyes glittered with anger There was that tension back again. He was flushed, breathing hard, and the veins in his neck stood out like road maps.

“Yeah, and?” Gia could definitely not see a problem here.

“I don’t take charity, Gia.”

“Oh, that’s it? You’re insulted? Jesus. Riker, relax. It’s not charity, it’s customary. It’s what we do. It’s like a dowry thing.” Gia told him and despite Riker’s anger, everything inside of her relaxed. Because whether Riker was pissed off by it or not, this was actually very good news. If Uncle Gianni was willing to put up a dowry, that meant that he had accepted the marriage. While Riker ranted and raved, Gia felt like she had just won the lottery— no having to marry Julian— no being disowned by La Familia. Thank God! While Riker breathed fire, Gia fought the urge to fist pump the air.

“Dowry? What the fuck is this? The middle ages?” Riker would have none of it.

“Calm down, for goodness sakes. It’s tradition.”

“Well, it ain’t my tradition. He can take his money and shove it up his ass.”

“Oh my god! You didn’t tell him that did you?”

“Not the shove it part, I told you I got more respect than that. But I told him we ain’t taking it.”

“We have to take it. It’s like a…blessing. Riker, be reasonable.” Gia’s heart began to race, and she felt sick to her stomach because not taking Uncle Gianni’s traditional gift would be an insult of the highest level.

“He’s as stubborn as a jackass. He knows I won’t take it so he’s gonna dump it in your account.” Riker’s tone could frost fire.

“Well, that’s a great compromise! You can save your pride and Uncle G can fulfill his obligation to family tradition.” Gia felt her stomach unknot.

“I don’t think you are hearing me, woman. The answer is NO.” Riker bellowed.

Gia sighed. Being raised in a male dominated world, Gia was no stranger to testosterone overload and she was seeing it now in epic proportions.

“Yes, Riker. I hear you. Anyone in a four- mile radius can hear you. Will you relax for god sakes? What else did you and Uncle G talk about.”

“Baby names.” Riker growled.