“That it?” Riker wanted to get back to Gia. They decided to get married as quick as possible, probably before either one of them had the chance to change their minds. So as soon as Gia was freed from the hospital, they headed to city hall. Gia hadn’t said much after the perfunctory “I do.” And Riker had to leave her soon after dropping her off at the apartment to make it to this meeting.
The collection the brothers took up was pretty damn thoughtful, and by the thickness of the envelope pretty damn generous too. Since Riker wasn’t exactly flush with cash, the money would help to get all the baby shit they would need. So, it wasn’t like he was ungrateful or anything, it was just that he was itching to get back to Gia.
“Where’d ya take her?” Prosper asked. “I’ve only known you to bunk in the clubhouse. I know sure as hell you weren’t even thinking about bringing her here.”
“Shit no!” Jesus, how dumb did Prosper think he was?”
“My family sold the butcher shop, but we still own the building. There’s a small apartment over the shop. It’s furnished so I figured we could start off there.” Riker hurried to explain.
“And between the club, your mechanic job …and your...uh… let’s call them extracurricular activities. How much time you figure you’re gonna spend in that small walk-up over the butcher shop?” Prosper asked.
“Boss… why you busting my balls?” Riker frowned.
“Not my intent. Just wondering where your head’s at.”
Riker shrugged. “The job and the club keep me busy that’s true…but the extracurricular stuff? If you mean the time I spend fucking and fighting? That ain’t gonna be happening. I got more respect for Gia and for the whole situation than that. Time for me to adult. I get that.”
“Glad to hear it.” Prosper nodded his approval.
“But, you raise a good point.” Riker frowned thoughtfully. “Once Gia starts getting bigger, those stairs are gonna be a bitch. The bike shop I work at has been sold and I ain’t too crazy about the new owner. He hiked the prices up on repairs. Lots of the customers ain’t happy and I’ve gotten some offers for side jobs, I got the tools, but I don’t have a work space.Not gonna lie, it’s gonna be tough going for a while. But I never promised her a goddamn bed of roses either, boss. And Gia’s pretty cool about going with the flow. I think she gets I’m doin’ the best I can with what I got. Guess we’ll just have to figure it out as we go.”
Prosper looked at Riker and gave him the grin of a proud parent.
“No arguments from me. I got nothing but admiration for the way you’ve stepped up, brother.” Prosper’s tone held a note of approval. “So, Pinky and I were sitting around thinking the other day, hell, we were talking about your situation, brother. Ain’t gonna lie. My woman is all about seeing that you, Gia and that baby of yours gets a good start. Not saying you can’t provide…” Prosper paused.
Not this againRiker thought to himself. The boss was doing that hedging thing he did when he had to talk about personal things with the brothers.
“Boss…I really need to get back…” Riker said. “So, with respect, you got something to say? I’d appreciate you just spitting it out.”
To Riker’s surprise, Prosper let out a chuckle. “Okay. You’re right. So, it’s like this, that lake house of mine has seen more action than a two- dollar whore. Seems like everybody and his brother has landed there at one time or another since I bought it way the fuck back when.”
“Yeah. Nice place.” Riker agreed.
“Well, It’s empty again. Hal, his woman and that priest will be gone for at least a year. After that, who the fuck knows? Plenty of room for a baby. Nice fresh air for Gia. At least she won’t be having to face a whole bunch of stairs every time she wants to go in or out. There’s that kick ass workout room that the club put in for Hal, a state of the art kitchen, a good solid dock, and the lake’s clean enough to swim and fish in. Come to think of it, I should move me in there myself.” Prosper snorted. “Anyway, I was thinking that being there might give you two some time to find your way without stepping all over each other. So, you want it? It’s yours. Do for you the same as I’ve done for the rest of ‘em. One year free rent, then we fucking go from there.”
“Really? You sure?” Riker was floored. He had been out to the lake house a couple of times and it was amazing. This was turning out to be a very good day.
“Damn straight. I had a cleaning company come in this morning so it’s all set. You should probably talk it over with your woman, you know how they need to be included in every damn domestic bullshit decision. But don’t take too long to decide because that place is like a goddamn train station, never stays empty for long. Now go, get your ass outa here, and on the way out, tell that trigger-tempered fool, Hammer, to grab himself a beer and come on in.”
Gia slumped down on the worn arm chair in the apartment where Riker had dumped her. He had mumbled something about a Saints meeting and then he had gone leaving her in what apparently was to be her new home.
God help her.
The four room walk up looked like something out of a seventies sitcom. Lots of avocado green, mustard yellow and burnt orange furnishings. The linoleum floor in the kitchen had a pattern that made her dizzy. The bathroom was very, very pink. The walls were covered with big rosy flowers etched into silver foiled paper. Pink geometric tiles on the floor, pink tub, pink sink, pink toilet. It was going to be like peeing in a cotton candy factory.
If Gia wasn’t so grateful that she felt so much better and that the quick, awkward wedding ceremony was over, she would have been in deep despair. But then she had to smile just slightly to herself. When Riker had picked her up from the hospital he had been in road leathers—an odd choice considering what the day would bring. Gia guessed whether overtly or subconsciously, Riker was making a statement—a reminder of who she was marrying. As if the huge tattoo of a broken- winged angel that covered his back, the smell of motor-oil and tobacco that followed him everywhere, and the huge Harley he drove wasn’t indication enough.
Gia knew exactly who Riker was and what she was signing up for. But this was her wedding day, and in the five minutes they would have to pledge their troth, she had had her own statement to make.
A typical Italian wedding for a mob boss’s daughter, would normally have included a mile long guest list ofwho’s whoin the underworld. The rank and file of FBI agents lining the streets with their cameras and video surveillance equipment would have been even longer. Gia would have had a dozen bridesmaids decked out in dyed to match, a full orchestra band, a towering wedding cake and an open bar—all night long and all top shelf. It would have been the kind of wedding whose purpose was to make a statement. Its extravagance and guest list a testimony to the power and influence of the family.
It would have been the kind of wedding that Gia and Valentina had always rolled their eyes at.
But when Gia had woken up that morning she had thought of that kind of wedding with longing. Not that she wanted afountain cake, for god sakes but a five- minute ceremony in a dusty, old clerk’s office, to a man she barely knew and certainly didn’t love, was not exactly the kind of wedding that every woman dreams of either.
And what the hell was she going to wear? No matter the circumstances, she hadn’t wanted to mark the day wearing flip flops and jeans.
A minute after opening time, Gia had placed a call to Casa de Moda. Casa was an upscale, pricey boutique whose inventory she and Valentina had almost cleared out more than a few times—courtesy of Uncle G’s credit card. She had loosely explained her situation to Juliet, the owner. Juliet had gushed just enough to make Gia feel like a real bride, then she had texted Gia some pictures of dresses. They narrowed it down to three, and Juliet had sent those dresses, along with the shop’s make- up expert to the hospital.