Page 56 of Hallelujah Rising

“Well that’s good news.” Her voice dripped sarcasm. “Because my cheek still hurts from when youdidn’t go rough on me earlier.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t make a habit out of hitting women, but you had to know I wasn’t gonna let you get away with that foreign language shit. Now get on the bed like a good girl.”

Rooster pulled his shirt over his head. He was lean, sinewy, and strong. The hard muscles of his abdomen were covered with a large tattoo of a warrior shield. The wordsFear Me I am the Stormwerewritten from nipple to nipple in big, bold script.

Rooster had two large-caliber bullet hole scars on his right shoulder. On the left side of his body a series of long purple keloids extended from just below his armpit to the top of his hip.

This man has survived some monstrous things,and now he has turned into a monster because of them.

The thought of having Rooster pushed up inside of her made Valentina sick. Her eyes searched the room frantically for something that would help her.

“Do you mind if I …uhm…wash up first?”

“No need, princess. I like my women a little dirty.”

Yuck. Ick. Yuck.Valentina’s stomach turned.

“I’m hot and sticky and I can smell gas fumes on me. I think we’d both enjoy it more if I felt human again. I have some bath gel in my backpack. It’s strawberry scented. It’ll only take a second.” Valentina made her voice a soft plea and her eyes wide with promise of what was to come “Please, Rooster?”

He gave Valentina a cool appraising look. Then he stepped towards her and ran a long, strong finger down the length of Valentina’s arm and murmured, “I do dig strawberries. I can suck on one of those fat, juicy berries and make it last all day. I’d love to taste that sweet juice on that soft skin. Grab the gel, and let’s go wash you up, darlin’.”

When Valentina reached into the backpack, Rooster’s soft words of sick seduction turned to screams of pain and outrage. Valentina pulled out a can of extra-hold hairspray, and blasted a quick series of long bursts straight into his unsuspecting eyes.

“I’m gonna kill you, you fucking bitch!”

Rooster started swinging and stepping blindly towards her, knocking over chairs and a table in his way. Even blinded, he was quick and strong and she knew if he got a hold of her she was done for. But Valentina also knew that she had the element of surprise—not to mention clear vision—on her side. With a few sidesteps and one vicious kick to the sensitive bundle of nerves that dangled between Rooster’s legs, Valentina was able to drop her captor like a house of cards.

“What’s happening out there?!” Gia screamed and pounded from the other side of the door.

Valentina ran to it and twisted the lock open.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” Gia stumbled forward and gave Valentina a hard hug. She looked at Rooster who was still writhing on the floor.

“You low-life sonofabitch!” Gia screamed at him. Then Gia grabbed the can from Valentina and gave Rooster another long stinging burst of spray and another hard kick to his balls just to make sure he stayed down.

“Fucking cunt!” Rooster managed to sputter out. “I’m gonna use you for target practice!”

Valentina and Gia looked frantically around the room for the gun and the cell phone. To their dismay, both items were out of reach. One of the girls was going to have to jump over Rooster to retrieve them.

“You make a lot of noise to distract him, and I’ll go for it,” Valentina whispered. “I’ll throw you the phone, and you run like hell till you get service. I’ll hold the gun on him.”

“I’m not leaving you,” Gia whispered back.

“You have to, Gia. My ribs hurt horribly, and I’m not sure how hard or far I can run. You have a much better chance without me.”

“I am not leaving you, Valentina.” Gia repeated and stayed exactly where she was. “Grab the gun and the phone, and let’s get the hell out of here.”


“No, Valentina. I won’t do it. Together we go or together we stay.”

“I’m gonna kill you bitches either way.” Rooster moaned out.

Valentina went for it. With a high jump she cleared Rooster’s prone body easily, but then she crashed into the table and landed just short of safety. Rooster reached out his hand blindly and hit pay dirt. His strong hand clamped down like a bear trap around Valentina’s ankle. Valentina was still able to keep her grip on the cell phone, but the heavier weapon flew right out of her hand.

“Let her go!” Gia gave Rooster another vicious kick to his balls. He immediately released his hold on Valentina’s leg, gagged with the pain and vomited on the floor.

The girls ran out the door, across the yard and into the woods as thunder sounded out in the distance. Patches of deep gray rain clouds moved quickly across the sky and hung heavy over the canopy of thick, tall fir trees. Gnarled roots sprang up between shifting beds of soft green moss and gave way underneath their feet sinking them into inches of mud and slowing their progress.