“I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose a grandmother. Mine was the best person I knew. No one can take their place. A grandmother’s love is like no other. I hope someone, someday makes her recipes for you so you can feel close to her again.”
She’s looking into my eyes and offering me nothing but compassion and words that strike me right in the fucking soul. I don’t know what the fuck to do with the feelings coursing through me right now. This isn’t what tonight was supposed to be. I wasn’t supposed to talk about myself or get emotions involved. This was supposed to be a quick fuck with a prime piece of ass.
But then she smiles at me, and it’s bright and beautiful and makes something inside of me soften, shift. What the fuck is she doing to me? She has me second-guessing everything. She has me rethinking all the rules. She has me wanting something I have never wanted in my entire life.
“Don’t overthink it, Mario,” she smirks and rolls her eyes at the name. “It’s okay to miss someone and it’s okay to be sad about it. I know I am. Dying sucks, but watching someone you love die, losing someone, is worse. Death is the hardest on the living.” She shrugs and lays back down on my chest, settling in like she didn’t just rock my world and destroy all of the things about women and relationships that I thought I knew to be true.
I never thought I would want to keep a woman for more than a night. I have never let myself see any one of them as more than a fuck, a good time. I’ve never had a girlfriend or even a repeat sexual partner. But Violet has me thinking of all sorts of new shit. How it would feel to wake up to her every morning. How nice it would be to have someone who listens and offers simple advice like she just gave. Someone whose body I had enough time with to really learn and enjoy. A person who I could feel this relaxed with, who I could joke with and talk about basic shit with.
We talk for hours, throwing ideas and fun facts back and forth until the sun starts to come up. We joke and laugh and it’s shocking to me how fucking simple it is. She stays curled up around me and the longer she surrounds me with her happy-go-lucky, no-shits taken attitude, the more I find myself not wanting to let her go.
She passes out when the sun hits the sky and I’m barely able to keep my eyes open. Her warmth coating me like a blanket, her perfect, delicate body draped over my hard muscles. She falls asleep with her beautiful face plastered on my chest and even when tiny drops of drool drip out of her pouty mouth, I’m still fucking smiling.
I decided then and there that when we wake up, I’m saying fuck it to the rules.
We’ll figure out a fucking way to keep her in our lives, inmylife.
Consequences be damned.
“Renz,Renz!Wakeup,man. Fuck, wake up, we gotta go. Eli, get the fuck up!”
Muffled grunts and groans along with whispered harsh words wake me up from a deep, comfortable sleep. What the fuck time is it? I feel like a barely just went to sleep.
“Renz! There’s a problem, a big fucking problem. Get up!”
For some reason, I choose to keep my eyes closed and not let anyone know I’m awake. Mostly because I just heard Zander use two of the men’s names and I’m fucking ecstatic over on the inside. I’m still curled up on who I know as Mario and he shifts gently underneath me.
“What? What the fuck is going on?” he grunts as he carefully slides me off of his chest. “What’s going on Isaac?” he murmurs in his deep, velvety voice. I have to fight a shiver at his tone.
“There’s been an attack. Matteo called me man, it’s bad. He’s on his way to the city. Fuck, fuck! Wake the fuck up Elijah!” the man previously known as Zander but is actually named Isaac, whisper-shouts at not Rook, but Elijah.
This is a lot of fucking information for the first thing in the morning.
“What the fuck do you want?” Not Rook murmurs. I feel him shift and wrap his body around me from behind, snuggling into me. I have to fight the grin that wants to spread across my face. I also have to force myself not to push myself into his hold. His hard cock rubs against my ass and I’m five seconds from saying fuck the plan and rolling over to ride him.
“No! Don’t you dare go back to sleep fucker. We have to go. We have to be gone ten minutes ago. Matteo’s compound is under attack. He called me fucking screaming and shouting man, it’s bad. He’s on his private jet, he’ll be here in an hour.”
“Fuck! Who was it? Does he know?”
There’s shuffling and the distinct sound of belts being buckled, shirts being thrown on. Fuck. Should I get up? But what the hell would I even say?
Hey, I just heard you use your names. Don’t flip out, I can tell you’re a little cagey about personal information. But can I see you again? Please?
“It was the fucking Diablos,” Isaac grunts and his tone is full of anger and violence. There’s an immediate silence that follows.
“What the fuck? Gage? No way man, not after what he did to help up last month. No fucking way. Him and his boys have been nothing but loyal to us.” Renz mutters, sounding just as pissed off, his voice slightly rising.
“We cant talk about this now, we gotta get outta here. Get your shit. I’ll go get the car,” Isaac demands and not even thirty seconds later, I hear the almost silent click of my front door. My heart begins to pound in my chest. Look, it’s not like we fell in love, but not even a goodbye?
“Are you sure it couldn’t have been Gage? Maybe it’s just his dad. Fucking Luna is a nut-job and you know he’s pissed as hell fuck that he lost the weapons deal with Matteo,” Eli murmurs.
What the fuck are they talking about? Who are these people and who the hell is under attack? I have so many questions. My mind begins to spin almost as fast as my heart is racing.
A loud sigh fills the room but no one says anything for a few moments.