Page 47 of Down to One


K:I have the power to breathe I have the power to breathe I have the power to breathe.

DW:Yes, what else was on your list?

K:Drawing, and uh, um fuck, paint, painting… and singing and moving.I said I had the power to move, except…except I can’t. I can’t move, I’m freaking out, I’m serious. I really can’t move. I CAN’T MOVE!

DW:Don’t make assumptions, Katie. Just breathe…breathe...


can’t, I just don’t want to.

DW:Can’t what? Breathe?

K:No, I can’t do this! I don’t want to do this! I don’t want to remember!

DW:Why don’t you want to remember?

K:I don’t know.

DW:Don't say I don't know. You do know. Why don’t you want to remember?

K:Because…because I’m scared.

DW:What are you scared of?

K:Of, of, of remembering. Of being scared. Of being (gulp) angry.

DW:Angry? Angry at Kyle?

K:No…NO! Angry at m…my…me.. Why was I so stupid? Why did I put myself there? In that situation? I’m smart right? I thought Iwas so smart so…so…careful. But I’m not. I’m stupid. So stupid. So…silly. Fuck! And if I remember, she’ll be right and it will be my fault. I don’t want it to be my fault.

DW:You’re making a whole lot of assumptions again, Katie.

K:What? No, not this time. This is true. We already know this from the parts I do remember. I never should have been there that night. I shouldn’t have been there. I knew better than to put myself in that situation.

DW:You’re making assumptions again. What if you remember and it’s not your fault? Have you considered that? Maybe you take into account everything that happened, get all your questions answered, and you come to a sense of peace about your role?

K: No, no, no there’s just no way. There’s no way to make right my stupid mistake of going there. Do you think I haven’t thought about that? Haven’t tried to come up with some scenario, any scenario where I’m not the complete idiot?

DW:Do you read books Katie?

K:Huh? What?

DW:Do you read books? Like fiction, romance, thrillers, novels, the type of thing you’d pick up at the airport?

K:Uh, yeah, I guess. Sure.

DW:Have you ever read a really good thriller or maybe a mystery? One you couldn’t put down? One you’d recommend to your friends?

K:I don’t really have friends left to recommend to, but yeah, I get your point, sure.

DW:What made the book so good? It was the twist, right? The ending you didn’t see coming?

K:Mmmhmmm, right.

DW:I’m sure while you were reading you made all kinds of guesses about that twist, who did it, who was to blame, why they did it. Yet in those good ones, you just didn’t see it coming right? The ending threw you for a loop?