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Still, there was no harm in fantasizing right? She snuck another peek at him as he tossed a ball back and forth with his teammates, a warm feeling pooling low, low in her belly when he adjusted his cup. His hand mesmerized her. The way it moved with such easy confidence up from the front of his pants to pluck the ball from his mitt. How his long fingers slipped around the ball and his wrist flicked it easily to second baseman Javier Hernandez.

"Kat! Kat!"

Ellis’ voice rang out from the VIP seating area, jolting her back to reality. He had his fist up in the air with his thumb and pinky extended, his wrist twisting back and forth to give the signal they had worked out for, "Lori’s on the rampage and it’s your ass she’s after."

As many perks as this job provided, the most important right now was a paycheck. She touched a finger to the tip of her nose, the "message received" signal, then hurried up to the VIP box to kiss Lori’s ass.

From: Alyson [email protected]

To: Katie [email protected]

Subject: TIFF WAG Profile

TIFF won’t be able to make it. Call me to reschedule

From: Lori [email protected]

Invitation:Emergency Staff MeetingRe: Banquet ThemeChange;VIPVisit-TakahashiMedia

When:TODAY; 4pm-4:30pm

Tucker Dyer - attending

Ellis Jackson - attending

Anjali Khatri - attending

Katie Masterson - invite pending

Craig Maxwell - attending

Walker Morgan - attending

Ebony Smith - attending

+ 5 More Attending

Accept Decline

From: EPIC Counseling [email protected]

To: Katie [email protected]

Subject: Check-in with Dr. Walton

Hello Katie,

This is Erin from EPIC Counseling Center. It’s been over six months since we last saw you. Dr. Walton asked me to follow up and see how you’ve been and if you’d like to schedule a check-in?

Also, I’ve been in contact with your insurance provider and they’ve indicated that they’ve paid out their portion of your invoice with us. I’ve attached a copy of your balance due. Please contact me at the number below to schedule your check-in and set up a payment plan if necessary.

Kind regards,

Erin Malbec

Administrative Assistant

EPIC Counseling Center