Page 84 of Down to One

BILLYBOB:I can’t believe it! Landon Ryan does it again! You know Wyatt, I’m not going to lie, I came in here thinking Floyd would be the guy to do it.

WYATT:What? No way! Ryan was completely ready for him.

BILLYBOB:What do you think he’s saying to Mickey Smith down there?

WYATT:Huh, yeah looks like Ryan and Pirate’s first baseman MickeySmithmighthavesomebadblood.Theyeverplaytogether?

BILLYBOB:I think maybe with the Cubs Triple-A club? Not sure, but looks like there’s no love lost between them. Youknow how ball players are, smack talking goes with the territory. And that’s a swing and a miss for Hawkins.

WYATT:Nowhere’saguywhostartedoutslow,but’sbeenpicking up ground. Throw out that batting average because he was off at the beginning of the season, but Hawkins is a very different hitter this month.

BILLYBOB:Oh, he got a hold of that, pop up to center but Marvin Meeks is thereforthePiratesannnndthat’sthreeawayandwe’llberight back after a message from our sponsors.


WYATT:Alright we’re back and Mickey Smith is in the batter’s box first for the Pirates. He’s hitting almost two eighty right now, notbad for a first baseman…Tips it off the bat, and it’s foul.

BILLYBOB:Ren Aoki is resetting. We’ve been seeing quite a few breaking balls from Aoki lately; definitely one of his better pitches.

WYATT:And it’s a line drive right up the infield line. Tyson’s got it, buuut Smith’s already safe at first.

BILLYBOB:Ok, Ken Luplo is stepping up to the plate, a southpaw who actually pitched over at Ole Miss. He’s in center now, of course, and he’s tied right now for most home runs in the National League.

WYATT:TheMaverickinfieldisadjusting,lookslikeRyan’s coveringsecond…Swingand a miss.

BILLYBOB:Smith is adjusting his gloves over there at first and I hope Ren Aoki’s keeping an eye on that; Smith’s always been known for his speed.

WYATT:I think you’re right Bob, looks like heeee’s going. Luplo misses, Hacket’s got it, firing to Ryan covering second and Mickey Smith is going in for the belly slide.

BILLYBOB:Ryan’s got it, he’s going for the swipe, but he might beeeee toooooo….oh no, he’s going to wipe out Ryan’s feet annnd…down he goes!

WYATT:Took him out, right at the ankles. Gotta be quicker than that, Landon Ryan.

BILLYBOB:I think Smith got the bag though. He touched the base, right?

WYATT:Let’s see, only the ump had a front row for this one. Annnd, yep he’s safe. Smith is safe and Ryan’s not happy at all. Oh, oh, wait is he? Ryan’s going after Smith!

BILLYBOB:He swung at him! Smith is not taking that lightly, and there they go. Hernandez is in on it too, oh—-and Luplo is sprinting up from the plate! Oooof, Ryan just landed on his shoulder. If his arm’s not messed up tomorrow his hand probably will be. He got ahold of Mickey Smith. That can't be good for the wrist.


BILLYBOB:Yep, here comes Alan Rowe, he’s always been Ryan’s handler it seems, right? The Pirates’ coach is in there too. They got ‘em apart.

WYATT:Wait, wait, wait, Ryan is actually getting up in the ump’s face. Are you serious?

BILLYBOB:Yep, there’s the call we’ve been waiting for, Ryan is ejected and he’s not going down without a fight.

WYATT:Oh my, Coach Rowe is practically carrying him off thefield. There goes the hat. And the glove. There’s that famous fire Landon Ryan is known for.


chapter 39

Katie nearly gave herself whiplash looking for Lori in the VIP box. She found Ellis instead. He wiped the back of his hand across his forehead—the signal they'd worked out for "all clear"—then pointed towards the sky and mouthed, "Airport. She's gone."

It was all the encouragement Katie needed. She scrambled down the steps to the field, nodded at Hugh, the security guard who knew her well, and scurried into the eerily silent tunnel where the dark outline of Landon’s form was still visible.
