“Closer to ninety-nine.”

“Pretty sure I can figure out how to work a thermometer.”

“It’s designed to measure lower numbers. It doesn’t go in her mouth.”

“Bet that went over well,” I mused. Emma had a feisty side to her. When she said she mostly cooperated, her battle had likely been over where the thermometer needed to go.

“Not at all.”

“Emma will be taken care of,” I assured him. I wasn’t medically minded, but a thermometer was a very simple tool no matter where I was sticking it.

Elias relaxed deeper into the mattress, and his breathing evened out. He definitely pushed himself too hard. I could picture a happy home with him and Emma if she were open to the idea. She certainly seemed to be, but she had been traumatized by something. It led her to believe she wasn’t worthy of Elias and me when that was so far from the truth. No one was perfect. Hell, it had taken me how many years to see my partner had been next to me this whole time.

Elias had some serious baggage as well. Being bullied for being smart, getting into medical school as the youngest admitted student, losing both of his parents to tragedy a few years before my accident.

A horrible automobile crash had claimed the lives of a dozen people. Elias had been on his way to work on the same stretch of highway, and he hadn’t been able to do anything. He went to work, covered in things no one should be covered in, and completed a double shift due to the number of patients.

At some point one of his nurses called me because he’d broken down mentally and physically, his grief dropping him to his knees. The trip to the hospital had been one of the longest journeys of my life. I hadn’t said a word to him, nothing covered the horror of what he’d been through, but I brought him back to my house and he never left.

My life wasn’t a picnic, but my only trauma was the loss of my mother. I wish I’d had a chance to know my father better, but he’d died when I was very young. However short the time I was given with them, they both were wonderful people who I missed every day. They left me a substantial inheritance that allowed me to pursue my dreams, and my success continued the momentum. I thought of them often, wishing I could have shown them my accomplishments, awards, and my life. I believed they would be proud of me.

Life hadn’t dealt the three of us a perfect hand, but together I believed we could make lemonade out of lemons.


One sexy moment with Elias and I was downright giddy. Looking down at my boy, I saw he had fallen asleep, needing the release as much as I did. Tucking him into bed, I retrieved my discarded clothes, put them on, and shut the door behind me.

Two brats. One me. Let the antics begin.


Luke strode into the living room carrying two distinct objects, a small tube and a little case. Coupled with Elias’ earlier promise to check my temperature again, it didn’t take a genius to figure out his plan.

“Where’s Elias?”

“Sleeping. He’s been overworking himself this week.”

The thought of Luke wielding the instrument brought butterflies to my tummy in droves.

“I’m warm enough.” Holding up the mug of cocoa, I forced a smile. “So much better.”

“Lee said you were colder than you should be. I’m sure the blankets and the cocoa combined have warmed you up, but it doesn’t hurt to verify.”

He sat next to me and opened the plastic case. Snapping his wrist, Luke shook down the glass rod. Squeezing a dollop of lubricant onto the tip, he studied it for a moment before patting his thigh. Heat rushed to my face. I wasn’t getting out of this.

“You don’t need that instrument to show you some numbers, Luke. I feel better.”

Luke rested the thermometer on top of the case. “All right. I’ll go wake up Lee and he can check it.”

“Please don’t wake him up.” My lower lip trembled. Damn the two of them for being so clever. They had somehow figured out how much I hated to inconvenience anyone, even if it meant doing something I didn’t want to do. Lucas was taking care of me, and I needed to cooperate.

“I’m not medically minded, darling, but I’ve done this with horses.”

Peals of laughter bubbled out of my mouth. I knew he meant standing up and in a barn, but the mental image of him laying a horse across his lap cracked me up. “I’m not a horse.”

“Come on, Emma. Be a good girl for me and then you can relax the rest of the night.”

Wanting to be a good girl for Luke fueled my body forward, and I laid myself across his thighs. They were thick and muscular, and I did not keep my hands to myself as I crawled over them, giving a solid squeeze to each one. “Whoops. Just trying to get in place.”