“If I’m spanking your bratty ass, you can bet I’m not calling you by any title.” I slapped my palm against each of his upper thighs in fast succession.

“I don’t like this.”

“No, it doesn’t seem like you do.” Over and over, I targeted the same spots until Lee bit down on his fist. “Are you done?”

“Not yet.”

Leaving him exposed, I went searching in his nightstand. I had a feeling, but nothing to back up my wondering. A minute of rifling around the drawer led me to the exact item I wanted. Plucking the small steel plug from its velvet case, I squirted a generous amount of lube onto it, thankful for the convenient bottle on the stand.

“I changed my mind, Sir. I’m done.” Lee caved, likely figuring out what treasure I’d found hidden in his night table.

“I’ve changed mine as well.” Returning to his side, I let him see the object in my hand. “You’re done when I say you are.”

Elias likely enjoyed the plug when he used it for fun, however, it was an entirely different ballgame when someone else made the decision. Spreading his bottom cheeks revealing the tight pucker of his asshole, I pressed the tip inside.

“I sincerely apologize, Sir. Please don’t use it.”

“I forgive you. What’s your safeword?”


“Pick something I can remember.”


I advanced the cold metal plug a little deeper. “Non-medical, Doc. I need something easy.”


“Noted.” Chuckling, I should have been able to guess it myself. Lee hated the green fruit with a passion. Sliding the plug halfway in, I let Elias get accustomed to the sensation. Withdrawing it almost completely, I then slowly inched it toward its hilt and repeated the gesture. He groaned into the mattress as I teased him. Once the plug was fully seated, I admired my handiwork. His ass looked even better bright red from my attention there. “The plug stays in until I tell you to remove it, or I do it myself. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy.” Tapping the base with my pointer finger, I observed his reactions. His hips arched a bit, before he settled against the mattress again. “Do you want a relationship with me?”

“Embarking into a relationship with you would make me happier than anything else in this world.” He let out a shuddering breath. “I’ve loved you for a long time, Sir.”

Once the words came out of his mouth, I helped him to stand. Elias stared at me, probably thinking I might reject him, but I crushed my mouth to his. He kissed me back, hesitantly at first, before opening his mouth wider and tasting me back. We made out, and as cheesy as it sounded in my brain, so many missing pieces suddenly fit. Rejection had been a factor in both of our lives way too often for either of our liking. I’d been a playboy when I was riding and running the circuit, but Elias was different. He had been hurt so many times, taking each breakup harder than the last.

I would never allow Lee to steer himself, or us, so far off course again.

I’d been blind not to see how badly Elias wanted me all this time. He moaned into my mouth, pressing himself completely into my arms. It took all my control not to push him to his knees and fuck his mouth until I remembered his snarky comment from earlier. It’s exactly how I planned to finish our moment, but I needed to tell him how I felt first.

Breaking our kiss, I cupped his cheek in my hand. “I love you. I’m sorry if I didn’t give you more freedom to express yourself. I saw you parading lots of women through your life and shouldn’t have assumed.”

“I wasn’t interested in men. I wanted you. It’s always been you. Well, women and you. I can’t believe I said that bit out loud.” He touched my lips with his fingertip as if amazed we had finally kissed. “I’m into you.”

“How about you show me?” Pushing him down to his knees, I kept a hold on his shoulder. “Convince me and I’ll let you come.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“You’re pretty smart. I’m sure you can figure it out.” Releasing him, I shucked out of my jeans, stroking my cock through my boxers. He stared at my crotch but made no movement at all. “Suck Daddy’s cock so he can reward you.”

Elias moaned, reaching for the opening of my boxers.

“You have no idea how many times I fantasized about hearing you say those words.” He glanced up at me, as if taking a snapshot of our moment, before sliding his mouth around my cock. His other hand moved along my shaft, rubbing as he bobbed his head.

My head fell backward for a moment before I recovered. I wanted to burn this memory into my brain forever, so I looked down at him. Elias on his knees, sucking me off after I thoroughly spanked him. He was incredibly gifted with his hands, that I knew already, but the way he stroked my dick could be its own kink.