“I love you.”

The three of us sat in comfortable silence. My ass burned like I sat too close to the fireplace and yet the warmth spread through me, reminding me of why I’d allowed Luke to make rules and decisions all those years ago. I had longed for his style of discipline. Envying the others he brought home, wishing for his touch, Luke meant everything to me. Expressing emotions did not make me weak. I’d been denying my needs for far too long. I wouldn’t do it anymore. I was worthy of love. And now I finally had it.

Chapter 13


After Elias' punishment, I curled up against his side, tracing silly patterns on his arm. We sat together, the three of us, not speaking. In the past, I found silence to be awkward and uncomfortable, but the quiet allowed my mind to get ready for my own repercussions.

“Lay across his lap, darling,” Luke directed me with one stern sentence. Draping myself across Elias’ thighs, I hoped my added weight didn’t add to his physical discomfort.

“Are you okay, Daddy?”

“I’m okay, sweetheart.”

His tone sounded far away from his agreement. Elias lowered my panties to my thighs. He rubbed both sides of my butt, slapping his palm against it. Stinging bites of pain cascaded over every inch of skin from the top of my ass all the way to my thighs. Groaning, I pushed into each one, doing my best to accept it without protest. He continued his onslaught, raining smacks as he thoroughly warmed up my ass.

“You’ve got four strikes with my belt, darling.” Luke said over my head. “Breathe through each one. Okay?”

“Yes, Sir.” I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. “I’m ready.”

The first one caught my left cheek. It hurt, but it wasn’t as terrible as I thought it was going to be. Breathing as instructed, I waited for the second. Lucas aimed the leather strap for the right side. He had good aim because it mirrored the previous one.

“I think our girl likes pain way more than she’s let on, Sir.” Elias took my hand. “She’s taking it better than I did.”

“She won’t like the next two.” Luke stated simply.

After watching where he targeted the last set on Elias, I knew what was coming. I breathed in and out a few times, and Luke allowed me the moment. Leather sounded over my head. I thought my body processed pain differently, typically feeling pleasure, but when the strap bit into my upper thighs, my nerves screamed.

Tears poured down my cheeks. Sobbing into the couch cushions, I squeezed Elias’ hand as I cried. It hurt so much more than the previous one.

Luke cupped the back of my head. “One more to go, babygirl. Are you ready?”

I shook my head. Words didn’t come, but I hoped he understood what I couldn’t say. I accepted his punishment. I accepted their rules. I needed to purge all the gunk in my heart and not make such poor choices. No. That wasn’t the entire lesson. It was okay to make choices, whether good or not, I was human after all, but if I chose something that didn’t align with what I wanted to experience in my life, or it put me in danger, Luke and Elias would steer me back on track. They’d likely do so with their palms dancing across my ass, but writing lines and corner time also hit my reset button.

They knew exactly how to handle me. I loved them so much. Somehow, they really wanted me to succeed in all areas of my life. I owed them, though they didn’t see it as some sort of debt. I wanted to give back to them for helping me. I’d keep my promise no matter what.

“I’m ready, Sir,” I managed.

“Good girl.”

Luke slapped the leather against the fullest part of my ass, catching both of my bottom cheeks. It hurt, but not nearly as much as the previous one. He joined us on the couch, pulling me into his arms, as well as Elias against his side.

We sat there while I cried, not speaking for what felt like a long time. Elias rubbed my back. The gesture was so soothing, I almost fell asleep.

“Next time the two of you come to visit me at work, I want a heads up. No antics. Am I understood?” Luke prompted.

“Yes, Daddy,” I nodded into his chest.

“Yes, Sir,” Elias quickly agreed.

Sighing, I reluctantly slid myself out of their embrace. “We have lots more stuff to talk about. Some of it you aren’t going to like.”

Luke stood up. “Our time is limited.” He kissed my lips. “I promise you’ll have my undivided attention when I get back home.”

“It’s going to be a really uncomfortable ride, Daddy,” I lamented with a sigh.

“Good.” Luke took my chin in his hand, lifting it up so he could kiss me deeper. “I hope it reminds you how much I care about your safety and well-being.”