Page 45 of Her Dark Past

“I can’t wait until I remember stuff like that. I keep getting flashes, like I can remember dancing with Wesley at a club that I think may have been during the 1920s. But it seems weird because everyone had an American accent. I mean, you and West still do, but Wesley sounded funny.”

Jack smiled. “That would be right. We were based in New York in the twenties. That was a great life, I loved that one. I kind of miss wearing a suit all the time.”

I looked at him, dressed in his customary black suit and white shirt, and he laughed.

“Yes, but back then everyone wore suits all the time so I didn’t stick out. I also miss those nice little short dresses you wore back then, but I can’t say I miss the short hair.”

I laughed. “I didn’t, no.”

“You did. You—” He looked over my shoulder and stopped.

I turned to see Jasper standing behind me. He was casually dressed, wearing jeans and a rugby top.

“Jasper,” I said, getting to my feet. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

“I just heard, and I came straight here. Is your mother okay?”

“They’ve got her stabilised and the doctors are with her now. So is my father,” I explained, not wanting to let go. He seemed to sense it and kept his arms around me, for which I was grateful. West and Jack had been around my family a long time, but Jasper practically was family.

“How are you?” he asked, pressing his lips to my hair before he released me and stepped back.

“I’m okay, I wasn’t there.”

Jasper glanced over at Jack. “Father said you’ve been having some trouble with a stalker and they think it might be related.”

I rolled my eyes. “And I don’t suppose he got his information from his shooting buddy who just so happens to be the Chief of Police for Greater London, did he?”

Jasper grinned. “I’m saying nothing. But seriously” —his smile faded— “are they keeping you safe?”

“Clearly, seeing as I wasn’t anywhere near the explosion,” I replied. “But I will be wanting answers from the head of security as to why my parents weren’t being protected either.”

“Why don’t you come stay with me?” he suggested. “You can bring your own security, and we’ll ramp ours up.”

“I’m good, Jasper, thanks. They have me at a safehouse and it really is impressive, so don’t worry about me. My father might need somewhere to stay though. He’ll opt for the suite at the Ritz, but I’d rather he was somewhere with company.”

“The duke has already generously extended an invitation to stay in their townhouse, my dear, which you will be happy to hear I have accepted, but I appreciate your ministrations on my behalf.” My father walked up behind Jasper, who turned and shook his hand.

“Glad to see you weren’t badly hurt, Lord Astley-Hawke. How is her ladyship?”

“She’s stable,” my father said, looking at me. “They’ve removed the shrapnel pieces and put her arm in plaster. They just want to keep an eye on her head wound before they release her into a private room for recovery.”

“Thank goodness,” I murmured.

“I came to say that you could go home. Well, back to the house.” I opened my mouth to refuse, and he held his hand up. “She’s resting now, and there’s nothing you can do. Pop your head in if you want to see her before you go, but she is sleeping. Go, sleep, eat, have a shower, and come back tomorrow.”

I nodded. “You too, though, Dad.”

He smiled. “Of course. I just need to hang about a bit longer for one of the doctors to get some details from me, and then I’ll be heading off for some sleep. And quite possibly a large brandy.”

“I’m thinking the same.” I smiled at him as he left and turned as Jack came up behind me.

“Shall I get us a taxi?” he asked quietly.

“Yes please. Jasper, can we drop you anywhere?”

“No, it’s fine, I brought the car.”

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hugged me tight. “Stop ignoring my phone calls,” I murmured. “And stop sending me stupid text messages.”