Page 26 of Her Dark Past

She cried out again, her head falling down between her arms.

“You made a fool out of me,” I growled and brought the belt down with all my strength. She screamed, but it was my name she screamed, and the sound pierced me like an arrow. I dropped one end of the belt, then caught it with the other hand and slipped it over her head, pulling back so the belt was around her throat.

She gasped in shock and whimpered. “Jasper...”

“Quiet,” I ordered. I took both ends of the belt in one hand, and with my other, I reached down to undo my jeans. I didn’t even push them down, just took my cock in my hand and stroked it. I jerked back on the belt and her hands left the glass.

“Hands!” I barked, pulling the belt tight. She gasped for breath then put her hands back where they’d been. I loosened my grip, letting her breathe again. The trust she had in me was overwhelming and hot as fuck. She was completely at my mercy, she was letting me do whatever I wanted, and she trusted me. Fuck.

I let go of my cock, sliding my fingers between her legs instead, pushing aside her underwear, and I groaned at the slick warm wetness I found there. “Fuck, Tory. Do you like this?”

She moaned as I slid my fingers through her lips, finding that little centre of pleasure to rub with my fingers. The belt wasn’t restricting her anymore, but I kept it just tight enough to hold her in place as I touched her. Her legs parted farther, and I slid a finger inside her, then a second and a third.

I groaned. “Fuck, you are so fucking wet. You like this, don’t you? Like being punished? You like the pain?”

She turned her head to look at me. My instinct was to jerk my belt so she faced forward again. The terrified part of me that lived deep down inside wanted her to look away, to not see me this way, but the dark hunger that burned in her eyes like some kind of demon had me transfixed.

“Fuck, you really do like this,” I whispered, the thought washing through me like some kind of drug.

“Fuck me, Jasper. Please.”

“I can’t be gentle,” I warned her.

“You’d better fucking not be,” she replied.

I moved forward and pulled my fingers away before plunging my cock deep inside her soaking pussy. I didn’t even wait to remove her underwear, merely dragging it to the side. I wasn’t small, I knew that. With other girls, I’d been careful, going slow until they stretched. Not with her. I wanted to hurt her. I wanted to make her scream as she felt every fucking inch of me fill that tight pussy of hers, and scream she did. I reached around and clamped my hand over her mouth, making sure I didn’t cover her nose. I pinned her flat against the window for anyone looking to see every inch of her body, keeping my hand over her mouth as I fucked her hard.

“Fuck!” I snatched my hand back, freezing for a moment as I stared at where she’d bitten me. Blood ran down my fingers. I pulled away, grabbed her shoulder, and spun her around.

She stared up at me, a small trickle of blood, my blood, falling from the corner of her amazing mouth.

“Fucking dirty little whore,” I growled. I shoved her back against the glass and lifted her, my hands under her thighs so I could bury myself in her again. Using one hand to hold her up, and wrapping the other around her throat, I fucked her.

Her eyes burned like black diamonds. She met and held my gaze, and I groaned as her nails raked down my back. I felt the trickle of blood as she broke the skin, and I slammed against her.

“Fucking hell, Tory... Fuck, baby...” I could feel my climax approaching, and I slowed, wanting her to reach her own first.

“Don’t stop, Jasper, please. Make it good. Make it hurt real good.”

I let go, slamming myself against her so hard, I thought the windows might shatter around us. With the way I was feeling, it probably wouldn’t have stopped me. She leaned forward and sank her teeth into my throat, screaming against my skin. I felt her pussy tighten around me, felt her body stiffen as her climax ripped through her. My hand slipped from her throat to her hair, pinning her against my throat where the pain of her bite tipped me over the edge, and I roared as I spilled my seed deep inside her. The boundaries of pain and pleasure exploded, and we sailed through the darkness together.



Isawthechangein his eyes as he lowered me gently to the floor. The wild demon I had seen in their depths only a few moments ago was gone and Jasper was back. I could feel my heart sinking, and he hadn’t even said anything. Deep brown eyes met my own, but only for a second. He looked away, and I knew then that wasn’t the start of us getting back together. With a jolt, I realised that this was probably a good thing. How could I have explained Jack, Zayn, and Wesley? Not to mention West and the way he treated me?

Jasper took my hand and tugged me gently towards the bathroom. I followed, not speaking either. I had no idea what to say, and my thoughts were darting around in my head like a flock of birds suddenly shut in a cage. He turned on the light, and I blinked against the glare as he urged me down onto the side of the tub. He knelt at my feet, sliding the zippers down my boots and tugging them off until I was completely naked in front of him. He didn’t look at me though, not with desire. He made me stand up and tugged my hand, turning me around slowly. I knew he was looking at the vivid red marks on my back. I could see them in the mirror. I could see him too, and the shame and loathing that filled his face when he thought I couldn’t see him.

The mask was back on by the time I faced him again. He reached over and turned on the shower, and when the water ran warm, I stepped into the tub. He didn’t join me, and I didn’t think he would even if I asked him to. Instead, he took one of the soft white flannels by the sink and soaped it up with the hotel’s expensive shower cream. He washed me, every inch of my skin, gently and tenderly, as if I were a child. I leaned back, trying to keep my hair out of the water, but I knew the steam would make it curl madly. I didn’t care.

This could have been such a romantic moment, it could have been sweet and tender and full of love and promise, but I knew deep down it was none of those things. It was an apology, a plea for forgiveness, and more than that, it was a goodbye. Tears fell silently down my face, hidden by the stream of the shower. I couldn’t help but wince as the soft cloth passed over the marks he’d left with the belt, and I felt him tense as I did. I knew words wouldn’t help.

It was ridiculous, in all honesty. We’d grown up together and played together as kids. Damn, the guy had even been my first kiss, stolen clumsily in the hydrangea bushes as we’d hidden from our parents during one particularly dull garden party when I was twelve when we’d played truth or dare with Hattie and some of our other friends. But here in this hotel room, after sharing something as intimate as we had, I was forced to face the realisation that we didn’t really know each other at all. Both of us had our dark secrets, but how would I ever get him to realise mine were just as dark as his, if not darker? How could I get him to see that I’d needed the pain he’d dealt me tonight?

It had freed me from the guilt and shame I’d felt, not just about embarrassing him, but everything I’d been feeling recently. It had cut through the fucked up mess inside my head, each blow from his belt forcing my mind back into my body, back into the moment, and it had been so freeing. I hadn’t wanted to admit it, but drinking blood and wanting to fuck all my priests constantly was doing crazy things to my mind. It was a hard thing to come to terms with, continually battling with the desire to do what my body craved while also dealing with all the patriarchal, moralistic shit of the society I’d been raised in—the one Jasper had been raised in too.

I looked up at him as he helped me out of the bath and wrapped a soft white towel around me, and I realised there was no way I could help him deal with his own guilt and shame until I had found some way of dealing with my own. But where I could meet Jasper head-on with his dark desires, would he be able to deal with mine? My eyes fell on the bite mark I’d left on his neck, and hunger fired inside me as I recalled the dark, intense taste that had swept through my body like some intoxicating drug that could kill me if I took too much. But fuck, what a way to die.