Page 55 of Her Dark Past

“Have you got the connection?” Zayn whispered. I nodded. “Good, follow it.”


“Follow where it goes, into his eyes. See what he sees.”

I closed my eyes, feeling for those pinpricks. This time when I felt the pull into the ether, I followed it. I dimly felt my head snap back, felt my lioness snarling deep inside me as the magic began to use up my blood reserves. My awareness faded then returned, and I opened my eyes, but this time I wasn’t looking out through my own.

“Good girl. What do you see?” Zayn murmured in my ear.

I tried to focus on my surroundings as the golden glare danced around me. “Lights,” I whispered. “Streetlights, neon lights... He’s driving.”

“Do you recognise anything?” I shook my head, my heart sinking as the lights began to get less frequent. He was driving through a city, through London, though I couldn’t make out which part. I tried to catch street signs, but I was disoriented, and they went by too fast. I didn’t know how long we stood there, Zayn holding me as I drew on my magic and looked through another’s eyes, but it felt like forever. Darkness fell as streetlights became less frequent and the amount of cars on the roads dropped to the odd taxi. The roads got smaller, and I realised we were passing into an industrial area.

“There are warehouses, factories... He’s pulled up outside of one.” I watched as he looked down at his seatbelt to unfasten it. His clothes were dark and told me nothing about who he could be. Then he turned, looking into the back seat, and I gasped at the bloodied and bound hostage that lay white as a sheet on the back seat of the car.




Therewasablindingflash as the jar hit the floor. Pottery and limestone didn’t tend to be a good mix when combined with force, and the jar shattered, sending fragments everywhere. Zayn lowered me to the ground, lifted me over the sharp pieces, and then wrapped his arms around me gently.

I looked up at him. “He’s got Wesley. Why did you break the connection, I could have seen where he was going?”

“I know where he was going,” Zayn replied grimly. “Go get some shoes on, we need to leave now.”

I raced back to my room, pulling on a pair of Nikes and piling my hair into a bun to keep it out of my face. When I got back to the front door, he was waiting for me, my jacket in one hand and a large sports bag in the other.

“Off to play hockey?” I asked, taking my jacket and pulling it on.

He grinned, his teeth white in the darkness, and unzipped the bag a little to reveal the gleam of his new khopesh. “Just in case shifting proves tricky in the environment,” he explained.

We headed outside to his car. As he clicked the key, the BMW’s bright lights lit up the bushes surrounding us, and I felt uneasy at being spotlighted like that.

“Zayn, what if he knew we were watching him?” I queried as I climbed into the front seat next to him.

He glanced at me. “He knows now for sure, but if he’d sensed you straightaway, we’d never have worked out where he was heading.” He pulled away from the house, manoeuvring down the driveway with a crunch of tyres. After pausing briefly to open the security gates, we were out on the main road and flying like a bat out of hell.

Deciding to keep my eyes on him instead of the road, I asked, “But where was he going? And how do you know?”

He took a corner at breakneck speed, and my hands flew out to grab the handle. “Shit, Zayn!”

“Sorry, I just want to get there. He’s got a bit of a head start.”

“Why don’t I call West and Jack and tell them what’s happened?” I suggested, pulling out my phone. “They can meet us there.”

Zayn reached out and placed his hand on top of my phone. “No, you don’t need to do that. They are already there, that’s why I know where he was heading.”

The passing streetlights threw strange shadows across his face, and the tiny doubts started to snake back in again. “Why are they already there?”

“When West and Jack got to the shop, they found the only customer who had bought a shit ton of those metal discs paid for them with a company credit card. The company actually went out of business back in the eighties, but for some reason is still operating as a business. West ran a search, and it turned out the address for the company was an industrial unit in the east end of London—High Towers Business Park. West and Jack headed over there, and West told me to come back and check on you and Wesley because—”

My phone rang, startling me, and I looked down at the glowing screen. “It’s Jasper. That’s odd, it’s three in the morning.” I answered the call just as Zayn reached out to grab my wrist.


“Jasper, hey, what’s up?”