Page 41 of Her Dark Past

“That’s all I am? A distraction?”

He shook his head, closing his eyes. “Yes. Yes, my lady, you are a distraction. The way you sit, the way you walk, your beautiful hands and their gentle touch.” He opened his eyes and looked at me again, running his hands through my hair and down over my shoulders. “Your wild hair, your smooth skin. Your captivating eyes and the way they burn for me.”

“Who said they burn for you?” I muttered, trying to ignore the way his touch made my skin feel like it was on fire.

“Oh, they burn for me. All of you does. I know how my touch makes you feel, I can see it in your eyes and the shiver of your body.” He slid his hands behind me, pressing me up against his body, and my hands flattened against his chest as he pulled me into a tight embrace. He bent his head to murmur in my ear. “I can hear it in the way your breath shakes. I can feel it inside your wet pussy.” I gasped as he slid his hand between my legs. The thin yoga pants provided barely any barrier as his fingers rubbed against my clit, and my legs weakened under his touch.

Hunger and desire flooded my body with a rush of sensation, and I melted against him. I slid my own hand down, cupping my palm against his cock, which was hard as hell inside his jeans. He groaned and turned sharply, lowering me down onto the sofa. My legs wrapped around his waist, and his mouth found mine. His kiss wasn’t tender or loving, but hard and demanding, and he explored my mouth without hesitation. His hand found my waistband and worked its way below. I arched up against him as he plunged two fingers inside me. He worked my body like I was an instrument and he was an experienced virtuoso. Within moments, I could feel my climax building, and I struggled for his belt buckle, desperate to have him inside me.

“Austin,” I murmured.

Whether it was the sound of his name or the clink of the buckle, for some reason, he froze. His hand slipped out of my underwear and wrapped around my wrist, stopping me from going further. He pulled away and sat up.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

He stood up and redid his belt. “I told you, I can’t. I can’t let you be a distraction. I can’t let my guard down.”

“You are fucking kidding me,” I said, sitting up. I reached for Jack’s hoodie, which lay over the back of the sofa, and pulled it on. I suddenly felt exposed and ashamed as he turned to look at me like I was some kind of wanton seducer leading men into temptation. I pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to ignore my throbbing pussy still begging for release.

“I’m not kidding. I said we can’t do this. I’m just stopping it before it goes too far. I can’t fuck you and fight for you.”

I was about to reply and tell him he could fuck himself from now on because there was no way he was getting any from me, but Jack came bursting through the door. “You’re not answering your phone,” he stated, frowning as he held out his own handset to West. I bit my lip as he turned away to answer the call, noticing West’s phone on the coffee table. Bastard was right, clearly I was a fucking distraction.

West turned around and looked straight at me, and the expression on his face went through my heart like a knife. He lowered the phone.

“Lady Victoria, I’m sorry. There’s been an incident at your house.” His voice was deadly calm.

“What incident?” I asked, my voice barely more than a whisper.

“I’m so sorry, Tory. It seems there’s been an explosion. My sources in the household staff tell me it looked like a bomb went off.”



Thecarjourneybackto the estate seemed to take forever, though in reality it was only a twenty-minute car journey. Jack managed it in fourteen minutes and without getting caught for speeding, which impressed me. I spent much of the time on the phone, speaking with different people from the household staff and the lord’s personal security team. Tory sat next to me, staring out of the window, her hand toying with the Eye of Ra necklace that hung about her neck. She never went without it now and had even left it on during her training with Zayn. It had caught my eye, lying between her breasts as we... The phone rang again, thankfully cutting off my train of thought.

“West,” I snapped.

“It’s Dawson. Reporting in that Lady Astley-Hawke has been found alive and is being extracted by the fire crew now. Still no reports on the earl.”

“We’ll be there in five minutes. Has bomb disposal cleared the site?”

“No, sir. They haven’t been able to detect a secondary device. They’ve given the police the go ahead to start forensics.”

“Good. Thanks, Dawson.” I hung up and looked over at Tory. “Lady Victoria?”

She turned and looked at me, her face pale but a mask of calmness. I knew she was panicking underneath.

“They found your mother alive. The emergency crews are working on getting her out as we speak.”

“And my father?”

I shook my head. “No news of the earl yet, my lady.” She nodded and went back to looking out of the window. I reached over to try and take her hand, but she pulled it away. She didn’t even look at me, still just staring out of the window. I knew I’d pissed her off by stopping when I did, but I would have thought she’d still want comfort and reassurance. The rejection stung more than I wanted to admit. I was used to rejecting her, not being rejected. I didn’t try again, watching the road until we pulled up outside the entrance to the estate.

The earl’s estate was large and surrounded by a boundary wall in most places, though it was only eight feet high and easily penetrable. It was one of the reasons I’d wanted to move Tory to my own house for safekeeping. I knew the place was practically a fortress, and there weren’t many who’d be able to get in there, but it had been designed with that in mind when I’d commissioned it ten years ago. The estate was exactly that, a country estate. There were several gated entrances, and we pulled up outside of the main one. The entrance was blocked by four police cars, and several officers stood guard at the gate, preventing anyone from trying to get through. The press was already there and tried pointing their cameras inside the car as we pulled up. These were probably the more well-to-do news outlets, as the gossip mongers would have likely climbed over the wall somewhere out of sight and already been snapping shots of the incident.

Jack put the window down as one of the police officers approached. The officer stuck his head in and Jack spoke to him. He looked into the back seat at Tory.